Available courses




Classify the soil based on Index and Engineering properties


Explain the principle of soil water movement and its effect on stress distribution


Explain the stresses in the soil and principle of consolidation

CO 4

Determine the shear strength parameters of soil


Analyse the stability of slopes and slope protection measures


 Upon the completion of course, the students will be able to

Explain the suitability of ingredients of concrete and their testing methods, 

Explain Properties of concrete and testing procedures of concrete in plastic and hardened state

Infer quality control and design concrete mixes by various methods

Summarize durability of concrete and concreting under special circumstances

Outline the properties of special concretes and its applications

Steel design, or more specifically, structural steel design, is an area of structural engineering used to design steel structures. These structures include schools, houses, bridges, commercial centers, tall buildings, warehouses, aircraft, ships and stadiums.

The course deals with design of steel structures using Limit State Design Method�. The design methodology is based on the latest Indian Standard Code of Practice for general construction (IS 800:2007). The subject covers all the necessary components such as material specifications, connections and elementary design of structural members for designing industrial steel structures. The course provides material specifications and design considerations. It provides relevant material properties of different types of steel.

The course prepares the student to be able to make effective learning of basic soil mechanics. The course should have the pre-requisite of mechanics of solids/strength of materials course.

This course intends to bridge the basic soil mechanics concepts  related to stresses and soil strength. In the process, it will help to reinforce the understanding gained during the undergraduate learning and would help to alleviate any misconceptions related to the stress-strain response and strength behavior of soils. This course are  added to  clarify the knowledge of soil mechanics gained at undergraduate level. This course is ideal for the orientation of geotechnical engineering  to second year undergraduate students to the higher realms of geomechanical characteristics of soils.


Upon successful completion of the course, the student will be able to

CO1: Explain the suitability of concrete making materials and their testing methods. (K2)

CO2: Explain the testing procedures of concrete in plastic and hardened state. (K2)

CO3: Infer quality control and design concrete mixes by various methods. (K2)

CO4: Summarize durability of concrete and concreting under special circumstances. (K2)

CO5: Outline the properties of special concretes and its applications. (K2)

Upon successful completion of the course, the student will be able to

CO1: Estimate quantities of various components of a building (K3)

CO2: Estimate quantities of septic tank, road, culvert, Irrigation structures (K3)

CO3: Analyze the rates of constructions and describe the specifications (K3)

CO4: Estimate the value of the building (K3)

CO5: Develop the report for various structures (K3)

Construction engineering management (CEM) involves the application of technical and scientific knowledge to infrastructure construction projects. Construction engineering management blends engineering (which focuses on design) with construction management, which is concerned with overseeing the actual construction.

A structure refers to a body or system of connected parts used to support a load. Important

examples related to Civil Engineering include buildings, bridges, and towers; and in other

branches of engineering, ship and aircraft frames, tanks, pressure vessels, mechanical systems,

and electrical supporting structures are important. In order to design a structure, one must serve a

specified function for public use, the engineer must account for its safety, aesthetics, and

serviceability, while taking into consideration economic and environmental constraints. Other

branches of engineering work on a wide variety of non-building structures.

Surveying or land surveying is the technique, profession, art, and science of determining the terrestrial or three-dimensional positions of points and the distances and angles between them. A land surveying professional is called a land surveyor.

The data gathered from surveying helps establish planning and design and provides data that can be used to determine the best course of action. These can be as diverse as deciding the routes of major infrastructure projects, to planning a simple house extension.

Construction Engineering and Management course helps students to develop the skills required to take on all the on-site responsibilities of a construction project. Managing the budget, project expenses, and construction workers. Collaborating with architects, civil engineers, and other specialists.

Earthquake-resistant or aseismic structures are designed to protect buildings to some or greater extent from earthquakes. While no structure can be entirely immune to damage from earthquakes, the goal of earthquake-resistant construction is to erect structures that fare better during Seismic activity than their conventional counterparts. According to building codes, earthquake-resistant structures are intended to withstand the largest earthquake of a certain probability that is likely to occur at their location. This means the loss of life should be minimized by preventing collapse of the buildings for rare earthquakes while the loss of the functionality should be limited for more frequent ones.

A good health and safety management system can help minimize risk and protect against accidents in the workplace. It is not acceptable for anyone to be hurt or fatally injured at their place of work. Implementing a health and safety system can help to reduce accidents and boost morale within the business.

Construction site safety is an aspect of construction-related activities concerned with protecting construction site workers and others from death, injury, disease, or other health-related risks. Construction is an often hazardous, predominantly land-based activity where site workers may be exposed to various risks.

COURSE OUTCOMES Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to

 CO1: Design Shallow Foundation (K2)

 CO2: Design Deep Foundation (K2) 


Design of Combined footings- Design of Raft Foundation – Design of Piles- Design of Pile caps -Design of Machine foundations. Design of well foundation.

This course is useful to understand the concepts of Project Management for planning to execution of projects. To make the students to learn about planning of construction projects, scheduling procedures and techniques, cost and quality control projects and use of project information as decision making tool.

This course is useful for a detailed study of the construction materials, equipment's and techniques applied in construction industry. To introduce students to various materials commonly used in civil engineering construction and their properties.

Building material is material used for construction. Many naturally occurring substances, such as clay, rocks, sand and wood, even twigs and leaves, have been used to construct buildings. Apart from naturally occurring materials, many man-made products are in use, some more and some less synthetic.Construction equipments are one of the very important resources of modern-day construction, especially in infrastructure projects. Such projects utilize equipments for most of the works including earthmoving operations, aggregate production, concrete production and its placement, and so on. In fact, one cannot think of any major construction activity without the involvement of construction equipment. There are different types of construction equipments suitable for different activities in a construction project. The choice of construction equipment defines the construction method, which in a way leads to the determination of time and cost for the project. In order to select the right equipment to perform a specific task at the least cost, it is essential to know the features of a construction equipment including its rate of production and the associated cost to operate the equipment.

To understand the basics of the following Natural disasters- significance, nature, types and effects - floods, drought, cyclone,

earthquakes, landslides, avalanches, volcanic eruptions, heat and cold waves, climatic change - global warming - sea level rise -

ozone depletion. Manmade disasters- nuclear , chemical, biological, building fire, coal fire, forest fire, oil fire, air pollution, water

pollution, deforestation, industrial waste water pollution, road accidents, rail accidents, air accidents and sea accidents.

CO1: Explain the basic principle of chain surveying. (K2)

CO2: Interpret the working principle of compass and plane table surveying. (K2)

CO3: Demonstrate the application of leveling in the field surveying. (K2)

CO4: Demonstrate the application of theodolite in the field surveying. (K2) 

CO5: Outline engineering surveys and usage of modern surveying instruments. (K2)

CO1: Examine the various sources of waste water and their characteristics (K3) CO2: Design the sewer system and classify the pumps and plumbing system (K3) CO3: Design the components of primary treatment of a waste water treatment plant (K3) CO4: Design the components of secondary treatment of a waste water treatment plant (K3) CO5: Explain the various methods of sludge and sewage disposal (K3)

Structural analysis is the determination of the effects of loads on physical structures and their components. Structures subject to this type of analysis include all that must withstand loads, such as buildings, bridges, aircraft and ships. Structural analysis employs the fields of applied mechanicsmaterials science and applied mathematics to compute a structure's deformations, internal forcesstresses, support reactions, accelerations, and stability. The results of the analysis are used to verify a structure's fitness for use, often precluding physical tests. Structural analysis is thus a key part of the engineering design of structures.

Foundation engineering deals with (i) selection of foundation type based on building site conditions and site constraints, (ii) determining size and reinforcement of the foundation and (iii) finally construction of foundation element. 

The main objective is to select a safe and economical design, there is no unique design or method in foundation engineering. Therefore an attempt is made to connect the theoretical concepts with the practical aspects of foundation engineering. Every civil engineer has to learn basic principle of geotechnical engineering and its application through foundation engineering .


                                                                                           3 0 03


Upon Successful completion of this course, the students will be able to

CO1: Recognize the core human values that shape the ethical behavior of an engineer.


CO2: Expose awareness on professional ethics. (K2)

CO3: Analyze the engineering ethical breach from past study. (K2)

CO4: Distinguish and apply safety, responsibility and rights in workplaces. (K2)

CO5: Discuss about the global issues with regard to ethics. (K2)


Upon completion of this course, the students will be able to

·         CO1: Outline the features of construction industry (K2

·         CO2: Develop the planning for construction project (K3)

·         CO3: Develop Scheduling for construction project (K3)

·         CO4: Explain the resource management in construction (K3)

·         CO5: Explain the cost control in construction project efficiently (K3)

CO1: Explain the basic principle of chain surveying. (K2)

CO2: Interpret the working principle of compass and plane table surveying. (K2)

CO3: Demonstrate the application of leveling in the field surveying. (K2)

CO4: Demonstrate the application of theodolite in the field surveying. (K2) 

CO5: Outline engineering surveys and usage of modern surveying instruments. (K2)


Upon completion of this course, the students will be able to 

CO1: Design the reinforced concrete flexural members by working stress method and explain the different method of design.(K3)

CO2: Design the reinforced concrete beams, slabs by limit state method.(K3)

CO3: Design and identify the behavior of reinforced concrete subjected to bond, anchorage, shear and torsion by limit state method. (K3)

CO4: Design the reinforced concrete columns by limit state method. (K3)

CO5: Design the reinforced concrete footings by limit state method.(K3)

Course for V th semester Civil Engineering students

19CE54C              FOUNDATION ENGINEERING                 L T P C

                                                                                            3 0 0 3


Upon completion of this course, the students will be able to

CO1: Plan and execute detailed site investigation program to select type of foundation.(K2)

CO2: Determine bearing capacity of shallow foundation based on the soil conditions.(K2)

CO3: Explain the types of footing and raft based on contact pressure distribution. (K3)

CO4: Interpret the load carrying capacity and settlement of piles and pile group.(K2)

CO5: Illustrate the behavior of soil behind retaining structures. (K2)


                                                                                 0 0 2 1


Upon completion of this course, the students will be able to

CO1: Determine the index properties of soil. (K3)

CO2: Determine the engineering properties of soil. (K3)

Course for second year, Third semester students

Applied mechanics is a branch of the physical sciences and the practical application of mechanics. Pure mechanics describes the response of bodies (solids and fluids) or systems of bodies to external behaviour of a body, in either a beginning state of rest or of motion, subjected to the action of forces. Applied mechanics bridges the gap between physical theory and its application to technology. It is used in many fields of engineering, especially mechanical engineering, and civil engineering; in this context, it is commonly referred to as engineering mechanics. Much of modern applied or engineering mechanics is based on Isaac Newton's laws of motion while the modern practice of their application can be traced back to Stephen Timoshenko, who is said to be the father of modern engineering mechanics.

Within the practical sciences, applied mechanics is useful in formulating new ideas and theories, discovering, and interpreting phenomena, and developing experimental and computational tools. In the application of the natural sciences, mechanics was said to be complemented by thermodynamics, the study of heat and more generally energy, and electromechanics, the study of electricity and magnetism.

Upon completion of this course, the students will be able to

CO1: Explain concepts of open channel flow, Channel transition and Identify Economical section (K2)

CO2: Compute the flow measurement and specific energy (K2)

CO3: Explain the rapidly varied channel-flow and dam flow profile characteristics (K2)

CO4: Illustrate the performance characteristics of various types of turbines (K2)

CO5: Examine the pumps for various engineering applications based on their performance Curves (K2)

To perform experiments inorder to study the physical chemical and biological charactersitics study

Structural analysis is the determination of the effects of loads on physical structures and their components. Structures subject to this type of analysis include all that must withstand loads, such as buildings, bridges, aircraft and ships. Structural analysis employs the fields of applied mechanicsmaterials science and applied mathematics to compute a structure's deformations, internal forcesstresses, support reactions, accelerations, and stability. The results of the analysis are used to verify a structure's fitness for use, often precluding physical tests. Structural analysis is thus a key part of the engineering design of structures.

Upon completion of this course, the students will be able to

CO1: Explain concepts of open channel flow, Channel transition and Identify Economical section (K2)

CO2: Compute the flow measurement and specific energy (K2)

CO3: Explain the rapidly varied channel-flow and dam flow profile characteristics (K2)

CO4: Illustrate the performance characteristics of various types of turbines (K2)

CO5: Examine the pumps for various engineering applications based on their performance Curves (K2)


Upon completion of this course, the students will be able to 

CO1: Plan site investigation program to select type of foundation. (K2) 

CO2: Determine bearing capacity of shallow foundation based on the soil conditions. (K2) 

CO3: Examine raft and footings based on contact pressure distribution. (K2) 

CO4: Explain the load carrying capacity and settlement of piles and pile group. (K2) 

CO5: Illustrate the behavior of soil behind retaining structures. (K2)

CO1: Examine the various sources of waste water and their characteristics (K3) CO2: Design the sewer system and classify the pumps and plumbing system (K3) CO3: Design the components of primary treatment of a waste water treatment plant (K3) CO4: Design the components of secondary treatment of a waste water treatment plant (K3) CO5: Explain the various methods of sludge and sewage disposal (K3)

Examine the various sources of water and their characteristics. (K3)

CO2: Classify the different types of conveyance system, pipes and pumping system. (K3)

CO3: Design the components of a water treatment plant. (K3)

CO4: Explain the various processes of advance water treatment. (K3)

CO5: Analyze distribution networks and water supply to buildings. (K3)


Upon successful completion of the course, the student will be able to

CO1: Explain the suitability of concrete making materials and their testing methods. (K2)

CO2: Explain the testing procedures of concrete in plastic and hardened state. (K2)

CO3: Infer quality control and design concrete mixes by various methods. (K2)

CO4: Summarize durability of concrete and concreting under special circumstances. (K2)

CO5: Outline the properties of special concretes and its applications. (K2)

Project Management and Finance - 15CE64C - III year - Civil Engineering - 2019-20

For Civil Engineering


Upon successful completion of the course, the student will be able to

CO1: Explain the suitability of concrete making materials and their testing methods. (K2)

CO2: Explain the testing procedures of concrete in plastic and hardened state. (K2)

CO3: Infer quality control and design concrete mixes by various methods. (K2)

CO4: Summarize durability of concrete and concreting under special circumstances. (K2)

CO5: Outline the properties of special concretes and its applications. (K2)


Upon successful completion of the course, the student will be able to

CO1: Explain the suitability of concrete making materials and their testing methods. (K2)

CO2: Explain the testing procedures of concrete in plastic and hardened state. (K2)

CO3: Infer quality control and design concrete mixes by various methods. (K2)

CO4: Summarize durability of concrete and concreting under special circumstances. (K2)

CO5: Outline the properties of special concretes and its applications. (K2)

Structural analysis is the determination of the effects of loads on physical structures and their components. Structures subject to this type of analysis include all that must withstand loads, such as buildings, bridges, vehicles, furniture, attire, soil strata, prostheses and biological tissue. Structural analysis employs the fields of applied mechanics, materials science and applied mathematics to compute a structure's deformations, internal forces, stresses, support reactions, accelerations, and stability. The results of the analysis are used to verify a structure's fitness for use, often precluding physical tests. Structural analysis is thus a key part of the engineering design of structures.

This course is very useful for Civil Engineering Students and for their Higher studies.


Upon completion of this course, the students will be able to 

CO1: Examine the basics and behavior of prestressed concrete. (K3) 

CO2: Estimate the concepts of Limit state of serviceability. (K3) 

CO3: Estimate the Limit state of strength. (K3) 

CO4: Design of prestressed circular tanks and pipes. (K3) 

CO5: Analyse the prestressed composite structures. (K3)


Upon completion of this course, the students will be able to 

CO1: Examine the basics and behavior of prestressed concrete. (K3) 

CO2: Estimate the concepts of Limit state of serviceability. (K3) 

CO3: Estimate the Limit state of strength. (K3) 

CO4: Design of prestressed circular tanks and pipes. (K3) 

CO5: Analyse the prestressed composite structures. (K3)

To explain the nature of various ecosystem their structure, composition, function, inter – dependency and values. Classify the different types of natural resources and identify the role of individual in conservation of resources. Identify sources of environmental pollution and assess its implication. Identify the different types of environmental hazards and their management and analyse the social issues related to the environment and how human population affect the environment. 

Water treatment is any process that improves the quality of water to make it more acceptable for a specific end-use. The end use may be drinking, industrial water supply, irrigation, river flow maintenance, water recreation or many other uses, including being safely returned to the environment. Water treatment removes contaminants and undesirable components, or reduces their concentration so that the water becomes fit for its desired end-use. This treatment is crucial to human health and allows humans to benefit from both drinking and irrigation use.

UNIT I INTRODUCTION TO BEAM COLUMN JOINTS 9 Beam to beam connection – Beam to column connection – Flexible, Rigid, Semi rigid connection- Shear and Moment Connection 

UNIT II ROOF TRUSSES 9 Load Calculation – Introduction to Tubular trusses – Design of Tubular trusses- Design of Fink and complex space trusses 

UNIT III STORAGE STRUCTURES 9 Design of Silo – Design of Bunker- Airy and Jansen‟s theory 

UNIT IV COLD FORMED STEEL BEAMS 9 Introduction – Press brake and cold rolling Methods- I801 procedure – flat width ratio – Types of cross sections – local buckling and lateral buckling - Design of flexural member

UNIT V COLD FORMED STEEL COLUMNS 9 Introduction – Q factor – Column design using IS 801 Procedure – Introduction to Direct Design method- Design of axially compressed column

Soil Mechanics is a discipline of Civil Engineering involving the study of soil, its behaviour and application as an engineering material.

Soil Mechanics deals with the formation of Soil , Soil classification, Engineering properties of Soil.

Soil Mechanics is a discipline of Civil Engineering involving the study of soil, its behaviour and application as an engineering material.

Soil Mechanics deals with the formation of Soil , Soil classification, Engineering properties of Soil.

Foundation Engineering is the knowledge of foundation of buildings ,bridge and for the development of infra structures. The subject gives knowledge about the soil properties related to the  foundation design and sub surface explorations for laying the foundation on soil .This subject essentially need the knowledge of soil mechanics .This course includes the both shallow and deep foundation . 

Salient part of this course covers 

  • Subsurface exploration
  • Shallow foundation 
Pre- requisite for this course  :  Soil Mechanics

Course Duration : 3 months 


Upon completion of this course, the students will be able to

                  CO1: Identify the basic properties of solids. (K3)

                  CO2: Analyze plane truss. (K3)

                  CO3: Dramatize bending moment and shear force diagram for different types of beams(K3)

                  CO4: Identify the deformation in beams and shear stresses (K3)

                  CO5: Determine torsion in shafts and springs (K3) 


Upon completion of this course, the students will be able to

                  CO1: Identify the basic properties of solids. (K3)

                  CO2: Analyze plane truss. (K3)

                  CO3: Dramatize bending moment and shear force diagram for different types of beams(K3)

                  CO4: Identify the deformation in beams and shear stresses (K3)

                  CO5: Determine torsion in shafts and springs (K3) 

Soil Mechanics is a discipline of Civil Engineering involving the study of soil, its behaviour and application as an engineering material.

Soil Mechanics is the application of laws of mechanics and hydraulics to engineering problems dealing with sediments and other unconsolidated accumulations of solid particles, which are produced by the mechanical and chemical disintegration of rocks, regardless of whether or not they contain an admixture of organic constituents. Soil consists of a multiphase aggregation of solid particles, water, and air. This fundamental composition gives rise to unique engineering properties, and the description of its mechanical behavior requires some of the most classic principles of engineering mechanics.

Engineers are concerned with soil's mechanical properties: permeability, stiffness, and strength. These depend primarily on the nature of the soil grains, the current stress, the water content and unit weight.

Upon completion of this course, the students will be able to

CO1: Explain the concepts of Maintenance and assessment procedure. (K2)

CO2: Infer on the effects of durability of concrete. (K2)

CO3: Interpret various materials for repair. (K2)

CO4: Select suitable techniques for repair of concrete structures. (K4)          

CO5: Indicate the suitable retrofit to overcome the repairs. (K2)

CO1: Explain the basic principle of chain surveying. (K2)

CO2: Interpret the working principle of compass and plane table surveying. (K2)

CO3: Demonstrate the application of leveling in the field surveying. (K2)

CO4: Demonstrate the application of theodolite in the field surveying. (K2) 

CO5: Outline engineering surveys and usage of modern surveying instruments. (K2)

CO1: Explain the basic principle of chain surveying. (K2)

CO2: Interpret the working principle of compass and plane table surveying. (K2)

CO3: Demonstrate the application of leveling in the field surveying. (K2)

CO4: Demonstrate the application of theodolite in the field surveying. (K2) 

CO5: Outline engineering surveys and usage of modern surveying instruments. (K2)

CO1: Explain the basic principle of chain surveying. (K2)

CO2: Interpret the working principle of compass and plane table surveying. (K2)

CO3: Demonstrate the application of leveling in the field surveying. (K2)

CO4: Demonstrate the application of theodolite in the field surveying. (K2) 

CO5: Outline engineering surveys and usage of modern surveying instruments. (K2)


Upon completion of this course, the students will be able to 

CO1: Plan site investigation program to select type of foundation. (K2) 

CO2: Determine bearing capacity of shallow foundation based on the soil conditions. (K2) 

CO3: Examine raft and footings based on contact pressure distribution. (K2) 

CO4: Explain the load carrying capacity and settlement of piles and pile group. (K2) 

CO5: Illustrate the behavior of soil behind retaining structures. (K2)


Upon completion of this course, the students will be able to

CO1: Recognize the core human values that shape the ethical behavior of an engineer. (K2)

CO2: Expose awareness on professional ethics. (K2)

CO3: Analyze the engineering ethical breach from past study. (K2)

CO4: Distinguish and apply safety, responsibility and rights in workplaces. (K2)

CO5: Discuss about the global issues with regard to ethics. (K2)


Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to 

CO1: Design Shallow Foundation (K2) 

CO2:DesignDeep Foundation (K2)

CO1: Examine the various sources of waste water and their characteristics (K3) CO2: Design the sewer system and classify the pumps and plumbing system (K3) CO3: Design the components of primary treatment of a waste water treatment plant (K3) CO4: Design the components of secondary treatment of a waste water treatment plant (K3) CO5: Explain the various methods of sludge and sewage disposal (K3)

CO1: Summarize the sources and effects of air pollutants (K2) CO2: Explain the factors and models contributing the dispersion of air pollutants (K2) CO3: Explain the instruments and method used to control air pollution (K2) CO3: Identify the concepts and principles of air pollution and air quality management (K3) CO4: Outline the sources, effects and control measures of noise pollution

Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to 

     CO1: Outline the basic concepts of waste water treatment (K2) 

     CO2: Illustrate the components of onsite sanitation (K2)

Upon completion of this course, the students will be able to 

      CO1: Summarize the sources and effects of air pollutants (K2) 

      CO2: Explain the factors and models contributing the dispersion of air pollutants (K2) 

      CO3: Explain the instruments and methods used to control air pollution (K2) 

      CO4: Identify the concepts and principles of air pollution and air quality management (K3) 

      CO5: Outline the sources, effects and control measures of noise pollution (K2)

To elaborate the geotechnical investigation procedure of tunnels and application of tunneling techniques

This is an advanced course on Structural Analysis. Various classical  methods and their underlying mechanics in determining response of indeterminate structures when subjected to external agitation will be discussed in this course. T

Upon successful completion of the course, the student will be able to

CO1: Estimate quantities of various components of a building (K3)

CO2: Estimate quantities of septic tank, road, culvert, Irrigation structures (K3)

CO3: Analyze the rates of constructions and describe the specifications (K3)

CO4: Estimate the value of the building (K3)

CO5: Develop the report for various structures (K3)

Upon completion of this course, the students will be able to

CO1: Explain concepts of open channel flow, Channel transition and Identify Economical section (K2)

CO2: Compute the flow measurement and specific energy (K2)

CO3: Explain the rapidly varied channel-flow and dam flow profile characteristics (K2)

CO4: Illustrate the performance characteristics of various types of turbines (K2)

CO5: Examine the pumps for various engineering applications based on their performance Curves (K2)

Upon completion of this course, the students will be able to

CO1: use the basic concept of force systems and solve problems. (K2)

CO2: implement the knowledge acquired in supports, reactions, equilibrium of rigid bodies for solving problems. (K2)

CO3: predict centre of gravity, moment and product moment of inertia of simple configurations. (K2)

CO4: solve practical problems on Projectiles, Newton‟s laws, work-energy, impulse momentum and impact on elastic bodies. (K2)

CO5: apply the principles of friction and rigid body dynamics to analyze and solveproblems (K2)

One credit course - this will help us to communicate with the students. 


 Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to 

CO 1: Explain the reasons of accidents and their preventive measures (K2)

CO1: Estimate the hydrological cycle and rainfall over a region (K2) 

CO2: Relate the process of precipitation and evaporation and its measurements (K2) 

CO3: Analyze the concept of hydrographs (K3) 

CO4: Explain the measures of flood control and flood routing (K3) 

CO5: Explain the knowledge about the types of aquifer (K3)

This is the third semester paper for Civil Engineering.


CO Statements

Upon the completion of the course the students will be able to


Describe the thermodynamic systems and apply first law of thermodynamics to various systems.


Explain second law of thermodynamics and study the feasibility of a process based on first and second law of thermodynamics.


Determine the change in properties of atmospheric air subjected to psychrometric processes


Familiarize with the basic concepts of various forms of renewable energy sources.


Realize the present energy scenario and the need for energy conservation and various energy conservation measures.


Upon completion of this course, the students will be able to 

CO1: Design the reinforced concrete flexural members by working stress method and explain the different method of design.(K3)

CO2: Design the reinforced concrete beams, slabs by limit state method.(K3)

CO3: Design and identify the behavior of reinforced concrete subjected to bond, anchorage, shear and torsion by limit state method. (K3)

CO4: Design the reinforced concrete columns by limit state method. (K3)

CO5: Design the reinforced concrete footings by limit state method.(K3)

Structural analysis is the determination of the effects of loads on physical structures and their components. Structures subject to this type of analysis include all that must withstand loads, such as buildings, bridges, aircraft and ships. Structural analysis employs the fields of applied mechanicsmaterials science and applied mathematics to compute a structure's deformations, internal forcesstresses, support reactions, accelerations, and stability. The results of the analysis are used to verify a structure's fitness for use, often precluding physical tests. Structural analysis is thus a key part of the engineering design of structures.


The course is designed to cover techniques that can be applied to different types of academic writing including essays, reviews, research papers, grant proposals, patents and thesis writing. The participants will practice these techniques by drafting a research article with support from other class members and the instructor

Examine the various sources of water and their characteristics. (K3)

CO2: Classify the different types of conveyance system, pipes and pumping system. (K3)

CO3: Design the components of a water treatment plant. (K3)

CO4: Explain the various processes of advance water treatment. (K3)

CO5: Analyze distribution networks and water supply to buildings. (K3)

Provides knowledge on Problem solving and C fundamentals 


 Upon completion of this course, the students will be able to 

CO 1: solve simple and Complex problems. (K3) 

CO 2: solve sorting and searching problems. (K3)


 Upon completion of this course, the students will be able to 

CO 1: develop algorithmic solutions to simple computational problems. (K3) 

CO 2: make appropriate decisions and solve problems using looping techniques.(K2) 

CO 3: solve problems using array and functions. (K3) 

CO 4: implement various sorting techniques. (K3) 

CO 5: implement various searching techniques. (K3)


Upon completion of this course, the student will be able to

CO1: Implement linear and neural network models(K3)

CO2: Develop supervised CNN & RNN models(K4)

CO3: Build a classifier with pre-trained models(K3)


Upon completion of this course, the student will be able to

CO1: Understand the basis of Machine Learning (K2)

CO2: Explore various Deep Learning Networks (K2)

CO3: Implement Convolutional and Recurrent Neural Algorithms (K3)

CO4: Analyze optimization and generalization in deep learning (K4)

CO5: Explore the deep learning applications (K3)

2021-22 Even - 19CS46C - Finance and accounting - CSE

Business process management ( BPM) is a discipline in operations management in which people use various methods to discover, model, analyze, measure, improve, optimize, and automate business processes. Any combination of methods used to manage a company's business processes is BPM.

Software testing is the process of evaluating and verifying that a software product or application does what it is supposed to do. The benefits of testing include preventing bugs, reducing development costs and improving performance. Software testing techniques represent the number novel techniques used to perform testing.

In web and app development, UI design and UX design are the building blocks for creating an easy-to-use and accessible product. It’s not just limited to apps and web development, though – computers, home appliances, and other electronic devices all require UI and UX design. 

Define the required processes and able to identify process improvement opportunities / strategies.

Intelligent systems are technologically advanced machines that perceive and respond to the world around them. Intelligent systems can take many forms, from automated vacuums such as the Roomba to facial recognition programs to Amazon's personalized shopping suggestions. 


Upon completion of this course, the student will be able to 

CO1: construct a website using HTML and Cascading Style Sheets. (K3) 

CO2: build dynamic web page with validation using Java Script and AngularJS. (K3) 

CO3: develop and deploy an Enterprise Application. (K3) 

CO4: design a web page in PHP and present the data in XML format. (K3) 

CO5: acquire knowledge in AJAX and web services. (K2)

Upon completion of this course, the students will be able to 

CO1: create website using HTML and style sheets. (K3) 

CO 2: design interactive web pages using javascript and angularJS. (K3) 

CO 3: develop and deploy a web application using PHP, JSP and servlet.(K3)

Recognize architecture, components, and operations of routers and switches in a small network. Students learn how to configure a router and a switch for basic functionality.


Mr.K.Sathesh Kumar, AP/CSE

Mr.K.Pradeepraj, AP/Mech
as co teachers

one credit course


                      Upon completion of this course, the student will be able to 

                                  CO1: Understand the basic concepts of machine learning. (K2) 

                                  CO2: Apply machine algorithms for classification and prediction. (K3)


CO1: Appreciate the contemporary advancements in the field of cryptography and Network Security
CO2: Elaborate the computational hardness of re synthesis process of various cryptographic algorithms
CO3: Use pseudo random number generators in key distribution and management
CO4: Analyze the pros and cons of various security protocols and its applications.
CO5: Explore the necessity of cryptographic algorithms in hardware peripheral design and Digital Signatures.

Course to First Year (2021-2025 Batch)...

Course Instructors :

Dr.G.Sivakamasundari - gsscse@nec.edu.in

Mrs.V.AnusuyaDevi - vanusuya@nec.edu.in

Mr.S.Rajeshkumar - rajeshkumar_cse@nec.edu.in

Mr. P.G. Siva Sharma Karthick - siva_it@nec.edu.in

COURSE OUTCOMES Upon completion of this course, the student will be able to 

CO1: Build simple LANs, perform basic configurations for routers and switches.(K3) 

CO2: Implement IP addressing schemes.(K3)

Upon completion of this course, the student will be able to Understand the fundamentals of statistics for data science.

data structure is a particular way of organizing data in a computer.

Interdisciplinary course for final year CSE

Upon completion of this course, the student will be able to 

CO 1: Enhance the knowledge of the research objectives and research process (K1) 

CO 2: Develop the level of readability for formulating Rationale and improve writing skills (K3) 

CO 3: Formulate suitable sentences and key words for the research paper (K2)

 CO 4:Learn about how to write in each section (K3) 

CO 5:Understand the skills needed to draft a perfect research paper (K2)

 CO 6: Know the format of References and Research format (K1)


Upon completion of this course, the student will be able to 

CO1: identify common network security vulnerabilities and attacks (K2). 

CO2: apply standard cryptographic algorithms to avoid basic level threats. (K3).

CO3: comprehend the issues involved in hash functions, authentication applications and key management (K2). 

CO4: realize the importance of security practice and system security (K2). 

CO5: acquire the knowledge of internet security protocols.(K2).

The course aims to a more profound understanding of database theories, models, and methods and an ability to use these in different situations.


Upon completion of this course, the student will be able to

CO1: Understand the fundamental DDL statements in SQL (K2)

CO2: Understand the fundamental DML statements in SQL(K2)

CO3: Exemplifying the advanced Query structures in SQL (K2)

CO4: Apply Basic and Advanced SQL statements on real time Scenario’s using Joins and Procedures(K3)

CO5: Integrating the NO SQL Structures to construct real time application (K3)

Upon the completion of the course the students will be able to
Build optimized user interface applications. (K3)
Explore the Component and apply filter in the angularJS application. (K3)

Upon Completion of this course, the students will be able to 

CO 1: analyze the behavior of testing techniques to examine the origins of defects in software. (K4) 

CO 2: design suitable test cases for the given scenario. (K3) 

CO 3: analyze and apply suitable testing strategies for software testing. (K4) 

CO 4: identify the suitable test plan components for finding the bugs in the software. (K2) 

CO 5: appreciate the test automation concepts and tools. (K2)

V semester 
2021-2022 -ODD sem course
Instructor :J.Naskath

15CS72C -Miniproject-JN

2021-2022 -7th sem


CO 1: Discuss the basics and application of Machine learning (K2)

CO 2: Explain data analyzing techniques (K2)

CO 3: Apply data exploration and data preparation techniques (K3)

CO 4: Apply data visualization techniques (K3)

CO 5: Apply regression for solving practical problems (K3)

CO 1: apply object oriented concepts to solve real world problems (K3) CO 2: develop multi-thread applications with exception handling (K3) CO 3: explore java I/O streams and compute various strings handling methods (K2) CO 4: create user interfaces for java application and applets using GUI (K3) CO 5: build real time applications with JDBC, Collections and Struts (K3)

Academic year 2021-2022 :: V Sem B.E. CSE Elective course 

To  conduct online class


V.Anusuya Devi-          vanusuya@nec.edu.in

Dheenathayalan             ddhayalan@nec.edu.in



Upon completion of this course, the students will be able to

CO 1: Develop algorithmic solutions to simple computational problems. (K3)

CO 2: Make appropriate decisions and solve problems using looping techniques.(K2)

CO 3: Solve problems using array and functions.(K3)

CO 4: Implement various sorting techniques. (K3)

CO 5: Implement various searching techniques. (K3)


     Upon completion of this course, the students will be able to

           CO 1: solve simple and Complex problems. (K3)  

           CO 2: solve sorting and searching problems. (K3)

2017-2021 -Final CSE - 8th Sem Project Class- SEC A


Upon completion of this course, the student will be able to 

CO 1: describe the basic concept of computer networks and analyze the functionalities of the OSI model. (K2) 

CO 2: implement the various services of the data link layer. (K2) 

CO 3: instruct to design, troubleshooting, modeling and evaluation of computer networks commands and Protocols. (K2)

 CO 4: design cryptographic algorithms for avoiding basic level threats.(K2) 

CO 5: implement the working protocols of the higher level layer. (K3)


Upon completion of this course, the student will be able to 

CO 1: Understand the division of network functionalities into layers. (K2) 

CO 2: Enumerate different medium access control mechanisms.(K2)

 CO 3: Apply various flow, congestion and routing algorithms for a network and determine the optimal path. (K3) 

CO 4: Integrate the working of protocols in higher level layers. (K3)

DBMS - Data Base Management Systems


Upon completion of this course, the students will be able to

CO 1: articulate the basics of Mobile Computing and its standards.(K2)

CO 2: exemplify the mobile communications and protocols.(K2)

CO 3: design a basic architecture for a pervasive computing with smart devices and knowledge of relevant OS.(K3)

CO 4: elucidate the function of Human Computer Interface in ubiquitous computing. (K2)

CO 5: work out on the paradigm of context aware computing and intelligent systems. (K3)


Upon completion of this course, the students will be able to

CO 1: Install Android Application Tools kit and Setup android application development environment for the development of android applications. (K2)

CO 2: Emulate android applications in ADT Emulator using built-in commands and functions of Android SDK. (K3)

CO 3: Design and develop animation based android applications using 2D/3D shapes. (K4)

CO 4: Implement and publish android application in mobile app repositories. (K4)


Upon completion of this course, the students will be able to

CO1: Work in the mobile application development framework and understand the life cycle of mobile application (K2).

CO2: Design a GUI to develop a mobile application for a given scenario (K3).

CO3: Understand the memory management, workflow concepts (K2).

CO4: Understand about intents and services in android application development (K2).

CO5: Design and develop the android applications for a new scenario (K4).

 To encourage innovative learning practices with fruitful outcomes in terms of knowledge, skill and attitude for the betterment of our students.

Upon completion of this course, the student will be able to 

CO1: Implement applications based on the concept of heap, skip list and hashing Techniques. (K3)

 CO2: Develop programs for red-black trees, B-trees, AVL and Binary Search trees. (K3)

Upon completion of this course, the student will be able to 

CO1: Understand the implementation of dictionaries using hashing techniques. (K2) 

CO2: Develop applications using heap data structures and skip list. (K3) 

CO3: Develop and analyze algorithms for red-black trees, B-trees and Splay trees. (K3)

Appreciate the contemporary advancements in the field of cryptography and Network Security

Elaborate the computational hardness of re synthesis process of various cryptographic algorithms

Use pseudo random number generators in key distribution and management

This is a course on one of the core.

This is a course on one of the core.

Problem based course

III SEM CSE Core Course

Toc-study of abstract machines

III SEM - 2019-20 - CSE - batch 1

An intrusion detection system (IDS) is a type of security software designed to automatically alert administrators when someone or something is trying to compromise information system through malicious activities or through security policy violations. 

n computer science, cryptography refers to secure information and communication techniques derived from mathematical concepts and a set of rule-based calculations called algorithms to transform messages in ways that are hard to decipher.

Java, unlike some languages before it allows for the use of words and commands instead of just symbols and numbers. Java also allows for the creation of advanced data types called objects which represent real world things like a chair or a computer where you can set the attributes of these objects and things they do.

Java is very flexible - it can be used to develop software as well as applets (small programs that run on web pages). But the flexibility doesn't end there because you can run the same Java programs on various operating systems without having to rewrite the code (unlike some other languages such as C and C++) thanks to the Java run-time environment which interprets Java code and tells the operating system what to do.

Advanced Database Technology deals with different types of advanced and emerging databases 

On completion of this course, a student will be familiar with client server architecture and able to develop a web application using java technologies. Students will gain the skills and project-based experience needed for entry into web application and development careers.


CO 1: understand the various modes of communications with Internet.(K2)

CO 2: proposemethodology of an IoT System. (K3)

CO 3: knowledge on Python programming and packages for IoT. (K3)

CO 4: establish the communication to the cloud through WiFi / Bluetooth.(K3)

CO 5: develop schemes for the applications of IoT in real time scenarios. (K3)

Theory of Computation emphasis on formal languages, models of computation and computability, computational complexity and NP-completeness. It is basically a theoretical topic and this theory is used in many important computer applications you use every day. Automata theory is the study of abstract computing devices.


IT infrastructures are complex by nature and provide non-functional attributes, like performance, availability, and security, applications. This course describes each infrastructure building block and their specific performance, availability, and security concepts. IT infrastructure consists of the equipment, systems, software, and services used in common across an organization, regardless of Mission /program / project. IT Infrastructure also serves as the foundation upon which mission/program/project-specific systems and capabilities are built.

Upon completion of this course, the students will be able to

 CO 1: analyze the significance of cyber forensics and forensics auditing (K3) 

CO 2: examine forensics challenges in digital devices (K3)

CO 3: analyze cyber crime and security pitfalls in organizations (K4) 

CO 4: perceive the actions of ethical hackers and their testing strategy (K2) 

CO 5: explore different types of attacks(K2)

Upon Completion of this course, the students will be able to

 CO 1: develop new applications with different constraints using java. (K3) 

CO 2: design web pages using client side scripting. (K3) 

CO 3: populate and query a database using MYSQL. (K3) 

CO 4: build interactive web applications using JSP. (K3)

 CO 5: develop and deploy a Web Application for new scenario. (K3)

Upon Completion of this course, the students will be able to

CO 1: recognize the importance of object oriented programming. (K3)

CO 2: analyze the principles behind the design for construction of Web applications. (K4)

CO 3: design a web page in PHP and present the data in XML format. (K3)

CO 4: develop and deploy an Enterprise Application. (K4)

CO 5: acquire knowledge in AJAX and web services. (K2)

To provide an insight to different AI techniques to solve different types of real world problems

The Subject focus on Various Advanced Database structures and applications.


  Upon Completion of this course, the students will be able to 

CO 1: recognize the importance of object oriented programming. (K3)

CO 2: analyze the principles behind the design for construction of Web applications. (K4)

CO 3: design a web page in PHP and present the data in XML format. (K3) 

CO 4: develop and deploy an Enterprise Application. (K4) 

CO 5: acquire knowledge in AJAX and web services. (K2)

Data mining is the process of discovering patterns in large data sets involving methods at the intersection of machine learning, statistics, and database systems. It is an interdisciplinary subfield of computer science and statistics with an overall goal to extract information from a data set and transform the information into a comprehensible structure for further use. It is the analysis step of the Knowledge Discovery in databases process, or KDD. Aside from the raw analysis step, it also involves database and data management aspects, data pre-processing, model and inference considerations, interestingness metrics, complexity considerations, post-processing of discovered structures, visualization, and online updating.

CO 1: understand the functionalities of layers in OSI architecture. (K2) 

CO 2: illustrate the various flow and error control techniques and identify the best method for efficient data transmission. (K2) 

CO 3: enumerate different medium access control mechanisms.(K2)  

CO 4: apply various routing algorithms for a network and determine the optimal path.(K3)

 CO 5: integrate the working of protocols in higher level layers.(K3)


Upon Completion of this course, the students will be able to 

 CO 1: understand the basic infrastructure management model and trends. (K2)

 CO 2: appreciate various infrastructure management schemes in ITIL Process. (K2)

 CO 3: recognize service delivery process and different management activities. (K2) 

 CO 4: identify different service support process for IT Companies (K2)

 CO 5: analyze the processes to measure the storage and security management. (K3)


 Upon completion of this course, the students will be able to 

CO 1: implement basic linear data structures using static and dynamic memory allocation. (K3) 

CO 2: recognize the data organization and applications of binary trees and binary search trees. (K3) 

CO 3: analyze the importance of self-balancing trees for effective organization of data. (K4)

CO 4: design and implement an appropriate hashing function and heap for an application. (K3) 

CO 5: identify suitable algorithms for solving the real life problems shortest path, network link analysis. (K4)


Upon completion of this course, the students will be able to

CO 1: understand the functionalities of layers in OSI architecture. (K2)

CO 2: illustrate the various flow and error control techniques and identify the best

method for efficient data transmission. (K2)

CO 3: enumerate different medium access control mechanisms.(K2)

CO 4: apply various routing algorithms for a network and determine the optimal


CO 5: integrate the working of protocols in higher level layers.(K3)


Upon Completion of this course, the students will be able to

CO 1: describe the basic concept of computer networks and analyze the functionalities

of OSI model. (K4)

CO 2: implement the various services of data link layer. (K2)

CO 3: instruct to design, troubleshooting, modeling and evaluation of computer

networks commands and Protocols. (K2)

CO 4: design cryptographicalgorithmsforavoiding basic level threats.(K2)

CO 5: implement the working protocols of higher level layer. (K3)



Upon Completion of this course, the students will be able to:

 CO1: appreciate the fundamentals and describe about Android programming.

CO2: understand and develop the mobile app using android

CO1:   Describe the basic concept of computer networks and analyze the functionalities of OSI model. (K4)

CO2: implement the various services of data link layer. (K2)

CO 3: instruct to design, trouble shooting, modeling and evaluation of Computer networks commands and Protocols. (K2) 

 CO 4: design cryptographic algorithms for avoiding basic level threats.(K2)

CO 5: implement the working protocols of higher level layer. (K3)

Objective of the course:

  • Simplify the mathematical expressions using Boolean functions and simple problem
  • Implement the combinational logic circuits
  • Design the various synchronous and asynchronous circuits.
  • Understand the various memory devices
  • Be exposed to designing using PLD


Upon completion of this course, the students will be able to:

CO 1: Develop a basic logical expression and apply minimization technique to minimize Boolean expression. (K3)

CO 2: Design and analysis of combinational circuits. (K3)

CO 3: Describe the sequential circuits and design & analysis of synchronous sequential circuits. (K3)

CO 4: Design & analysis of asynchronous sequential circuits.(K3)

CO 5: Develop a program in Hardware Description Language.(K2)

Common course for CSE,EEE,ECE and Civil

The objective of mobile computing is to develop system and application level software for small, battery powered terminals equipped with the wireless network connection.

Pervasive computing, which is also known as ubiquitous computing, is defined as the use of computerized technology through various devices in various settings around the clock. This means that most people now use different devices, such as smart phones and devices, to access, share, upload and post information via technology platforms and solutions.

Read the problem at least three times (or however many makes you feel comfortable) Work through the problem manually with at least three sets of sample data. Simplify and optimize your steps. Write pseudocode. Translate pseudocode into code and debug.

4th sem


Upon completion of this course, the students will be able to

      CO1:explain the concept of operational and project management. (K2)

      CO2:define the scope of a project and develop the project plan. (K2)

      CO3:evaluate the technical, business and social environment related to the project. (K3)

      CO4:formulate and manage project team successfully. (K5)

      CO5:monitor and control projects using tools and techniques. (K3)

This course is most important to the students because information/data form the foundation of any business enterprise. Thus a thorough understanding of how to manipulate, design and manage databases gains importance. The course participants are exposed to the various forms, types and models of database systems to enable them make viable choices. Supportive and complimentary concepts of managing data and documents are thoroughly examined to give a wholesome view of data/information management.

A database management system is a computer based system to manage a database, or a collection databases or files. The management implies the controlled use of a resource that is controlling its quality, coordinating shared use of a resource and controlling access to authorized users.

The ultimate aim is to encourage the usage of database management systems for effective data management. This course gives students a solid background in databases, with a focus on relational database management systems.

This course 15CS12E – Open Source Systems, deals with the widespread open source technologies. These technologies enables programmers to develop a single application that can run across multiple platforms . First get basic understanding about the necessity of Open source operating system Linux and its significant Advanced concepts Kernel Process, scheduling, cloning and signals. From the course, acquire an in depth knowledge on web application development languages and database in conjunction with PHP, MySQL. Learn advanced renounced programming languages PYTHON and PERL in such aspect to create a dynamic application as your own. At the conclusion of the course, the student will be expected to complete a Web application project involving the design of a fairly complex program that consists of a GUI and utilizes at least two of the advanced programming areas.

Open Source Practices are enhanced

Apply intelligence to acquired data to gather knowledge and decision making

This course is most relevant to the students because information/data form the foundation of any business enterprise. Thus a thorough understanding of how to manipulate, design and manage databases gains importance. The course participants are exposed to the various forms, types and models of database systems to enable them make viable choices. Supportive and complimentary concepts of managing data and documents are thoroughly examined to give a wholesome view of data/information management.

A database management system is a computer based system to manage a database, or a collection databases or files. The management implies the controlled use of a resource that is controlling its quality, coordinating shared use of a resource and controlling access to authorized users.

The ultimate aim is to encourage the usage of database management systems for effective data management. This course gives students a solid background in databases, with a focus on relational database management systems.

This course provides you hands-on experience and exposure to developing HTML5 and CSS3 based web application. This course builds strong foundation on HTML5 and CSS3 which will help developer to use HTML5 and CSS3 concepts for building responsive web application.

CO 1: understand the basic concepts of computational social sciences. (K2)

CO 2: identify online social networks and understand the concepts of Graph Models, Network

models and measures to evaluate information. (K3)

CO 3: aware about automated information extraction methods and human centered computing. (K2)

CO 4: analyze the mining methods on social web. (K3)

CO 5: understand social data analytics and its applications. (K2)

National Engineering College 

(An Autonomous Institution Affiliated to Anna University, Chennai), Kovilpatti 

 M.E. – Computer Science and Engineering CURRICULUM & SYLLABUS Regulations 2019 


COURSE OUTCOMES Upon completion of this course, the student will be able to 

CO1: Understand the basis of Machine Learning (K2) 

CO2: Explore various Deep Learning Networks (K2) 

CO3: Implement Convolutional and Recurrent Neural Algorithms (K3) 

CO4: Analyze optimization and generalization in deep learning (K4) 

CO5: Explore the deep learning applications (K3) 


Introduction to machine learning - Linear models (SVMs and Perceptrons, logistic regression). Learning Algorithms – Capacity, Overfitting and underfitting – Hyperparameters and Validation Sets – Estimators, Bias and Variance – Maximum Likelihood Estimation – Bayesian Statistics – Supervised Learning Algorithms – Unsupervised Learning Algorithms – Stochastic Gradient Descent – Building a Machine Learning Algorithm – Challenges Motivating deep learning. 


History of Deep Learning- A Probabilistic Theory of Deep Learning- Backpropagation and other Differentiation Algorithms – Regularization: Dataset Augumentation – Noise Robustness -Early Stopping, Bagging and Dropout - batch normalization- VC Dimension and Neural Nets-Deep Vs Shallow Networks- Convolutional Networks- Generative Adversarial Networks (GAN), Semisupervised Learning 


Convolutional Neural Networks: The Convolution Operation – Motivation – Pooling – Variants of the basic Convolution Function – Structured Outputs – Data Types – Efficient Convolution Algorithms. Recurrent Neural Networks: Bidirectional RNNs – Deep Recurrent Networks – Recursive Neural Networks. 


Optimization in deep learning– Non-convex optimization for deep networks- Stochastic Optimization- Generalization in neural networks- Spatial Transformer Networks- Recurrent networks, LSTM - Recurrent Neural Network Language Models- Word-Level RNNs & Deep Reinforcement Learning - Computational & Artificial Neuroscience 


Imagenet- Object Detection – Object Tracking - Audio WaveNet - Natural Language Processing Word2Vec - Joint Detection - Face Recognition - Scene Understanding - Gathering Image Captions. L:45; TOTAL: 45 PERIODS REFERENCES 1. Bengio, Yoshua, Ian J. Goodfellow, and Aaron Courville. "Deep learning." An MIT Press book in preparation,2016. 2. Dr.Adrian Rosebrock, ―Deep Learning for Computer Vision with Python: Starter Bundle‖, PyImage Search, 1st edition, 2017. 3. Deng & Yu, Deep Learning: Methods and Applications, Now Publishers, 2013. 4. Michael Nielsen, Neural Networks and Deep Learning, Determination Press, 2015.

M.E - CSE - Project - Phase 2

Creative Image Manipulation

It is a One Credit Course.  Students will learn about Android and how to develop basic android applications


Course Instructor: M.Bhuvaneswari, AP(SG)/CSE


Upon completion of this course, the student will be able to

  1. CO1: realize the role of functional units and various architectural features (K2)
  2. CO2: examine data representation and execution procedure of an ALU (K2)
  3. CO3: categorize the pipelining techniques and recognize the I/O mechanism for high speed devices. (K3)
  4. CO4: know the different I/O Interfaces and categorize the different memory systems. (K2)
  5. CO5: distinguish the operational functions of symmetric and distributed architectures. (K2)


Course Instructor: M.Bhuvaneswari, AP(SG)/CSE


Upon completion of this course, the student will be able to

  1. CO1: realize the role of functional units and various architectural features (K2)
  2. CO2: examine data representation and execution procedure of an ALU (K2)
  3. CO3: categorize the pipelining techniques and recognize the I/O mechanism for high speed devices. (K3)
  4. CO4: know the different I/O Interfaces and categorize the different memory systems. (K2)
  5. CO5: distinguish the operational functions of symmetric and distributed architectures. (K2)

AY20-21 - 15CS71C Research Paper and Patent Review - Seminar

IV Year CSE B 

This course is designed to introduce students to business intelligence concepts and provide students with an understanding of data warehousing and data mining along with associated techniques and their benefits to organizations of all sizes.

This course describes about  Indian culture, civilization and its features,stone age, Indian races and their contribution in pre-historic culture.Also it explains about historical development of Indian culture and its significance, conditions and development of Vedic culture.It also analyze the advent of Islam and European culture.

CO 1: understand the various global issues. 

CO 2: demonstrate a reasonable understanding of environmental debates and issues. 

CO 3: explain the developmental issues relating to food, health and energy. 

CO 4: demonstrate the economical issues in international trade. 

CO 5: describe the civilization issues relating to human rights and social justice.

15TD12E Indian History

Data Mining Core Course

Elective Course for VII Sem CSE


Upon completion of this course, the student will be able to

 CO1: impart the basic concepts of data structures and implementation of stacks and different types of queues using arrays. (K3)

 CO2: implement different types of list, stack and queue using pointers. (K3) 

CO3: Construct different types of trees. (K3)

 CO4: recognize the various indexing techniques and distinguish various hashing and collision resolution techniques. (K2) 

CO5: realize the basic concepts and applications of graphs to solve different real time problems. (K4)

A data structure in computer science is a system used to store data, keep it organized, and enable easy modification and access. Put simply, a data structure refers to a group of data values, how they relate to each other, and the operations or functions that can be carried out on them. 

Remember it this way:

  • Programs= algorithms+data structures
  • Data structures=related data+allowed operations on that data 

What’s an easy way to understand data structures?

Three examples may help you better understand data structures. 

First, think of a dictionary. In a dictionary, words are organized alphabetically. This enables you to search for and find a word quickly and efficiently.

Next, a city map. Organized into geometries, a city map has scales and directions and it makes it easy to search effectively for a landmark. With a city map, you can also find a route from one place to another.

A business cash-in-cash-out statement. These statements often use tabular schema, or a table. Much like certain data structures, aggregating and extracting data is easy when it’s in organized columns.


  Upon Completion of this course, the students will be able to 

CO 1: recognize the importance of object oriented programming. (K3)

CO 2: analyze the principles behind the design for construction of Web applications. (K4)

CO 3: design a web page in PHP and present the data in XML format. (K3) 

CO 4: develop and deploy an Enterprise Application. (K4) 

CO 5: acquire knowledge in AJAX and web services. (K2)

It is a core subject and should be concentrated more.

It is an elective course and an emerging technique.

STT is the course for the final year 7th semester course for the CSE students

Upon the completion of the course the students will be able to

CO1: Understand the importance of software engineering practices

CO2: Effectively participate in software project analysis

CO3: Develop a good software design adhering to design principles

CO4: Realize the value and challenges in software testing and maintenance

CO5: Identify the necessitate for configuration and Maintenance concepts

Java Lab Course is for V the semester Computer Science and Engineering Students. Core Subject.

Upon Completion of this course, the students will be able to

 CO 1: develop new applications with different constraints using java. (K3) 

CO 2: design web pages using client side scripting. (K3) 

CO 3: populate and query a database using MYSQL. (K3) 

CO 4: build interactive web applications using JSP. (K3)

 CO 5: develop and deploy a Web Application for new scenario. (K3)

The core course for Fifth Semester Computer Science and Engineering

To process Product Development  activities

Basic electrical and electronics engineering - 19ME26C

Upon completion of this course the students can able to Explain the configurations and design of permanent magnet brushless and switched reluctance motor drives. And advanced machines in EV applications.

19EE44E – EMBEDDED SYSTEMS - JEFF - 2021-2022 (Even Semester)


CO1: Perform statistical data analysis and infer characteristics of instruments. (K3)
CO2: Describe the operation of various measuring instruments. (K2)
CO3: Design of DC and AC bridges for measuring passive elements. (K2)
CO4: Select transducers for an application and calibrate the instruments to standards.
CO5: Explain significance of the computer based data acquisition and digital
equipments. (K2)

Course Outcomes

CO1: Analyze a power system in steady state using numerical methods

CO2: Compute the fault current for different types of faults

CO3: Explain various methods to control the voltage and frequency

CO4: Discuss about monitoring and control of a power system

CO5: Describe the concepts of stability in a power system

19EE64C  Power System Simulation and High Voltage Laboratory

CO1: Describe the earthing system design(K2)

CO2: Explain various types of earthing in Substation

CO1: describe the earthing system design (K2)

CO2: explain the various types of earthing in substations (K2)

CO1: describe the earthing system design (K2)

CO2: explain the various types of earthing in substations (K2)


Upon the successful completion of this course, the students will be able to, 

CO1: explain the general concepts and building blocks of capacitors. (K2) 

CO2: summarize the various applications of capacitors. (K2)


Introduction: Capacitance – Basics of dielectric Materials – Dielectric Constant – Loss Angle – General Conceptions of Gaseous, Liquid and Solid Dielectrics – IS Standards – Solid Dielectrics, Composite Dielectrics, Electrolytes. Building Blocks of Capacitors: Condenser Tissue Paper – Polypropylene and Polyester Film – Aluminium Foil - Materials for Others Components – Discharge Resistors: Safety Consideration and Design – Housing of Capacitors – Impregnating Liquids – Manufacture of Paper and Plastic Film Capacitor. Application of Capacitors: DC and Energy Storage Capacitors –Series Capacitors for Power Quality Improvement –Harmonic Filters –Surge Protection Capacitors –Capacitors Voltage Transformers – Coupling Capacitors – Future capacitors.


1. D.M.Tagore, “Electrical Power Capacitors – Design and Manufacturing”, Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Company Ltd., 2002. 

2. R.P. Deshpande, “Capacitors – Technology and Trends”, Tata Mc-Graw Hill Publishing Company Ltd., 2012. 

3. T.Longland, T.W.Hunt and W.A.Brecknell, “Power Capacitors Handbook”, Butterworths Publishers, 1984. 

4. Ramasamy Natarajan, “Power System Capacitors”, CRC Press, 2005. 

5. R.E. Marbury, “Power Capacitors”, Tata Mc-Graw Hill Publishing Company Ltd., 1949.

Basic Electrical and Electronics Engineering-CSE

15TD15E - Indian Constitution (Trans-disciplinary courses)
15TD12E - Indian History (Trans-disciplinary courses)
15TD11E - Indian Culture and Heritage (Trans-disciplinary courses)
Basic course covering the fundamental concepts in mechanics of rigid bodies.

CO1: Describe the fundamental knowledge in electrical engineering (K2)

CO2: Prepare the details of estimation for residential and commercial electrical installations (K3)

Power Electronics and drives - Special Interest Group for 2019-23 batch students.

This  Final year  EEE A  students   Practical  Course

1 credit  course for  Final Year EEE students

1 credit course for  III year EEE students

This Subject is 3 credit core course for  Final year EEE students

Upon the completion of the course the students will be able to,
CO1: Review the characterization of power quality in electric power system.
CO2: Categorize the causes of power quality problems
CO3: Describe the estimation techniques and mitigation methods of voltage sag and interruptions
CO4: Explain the concept of over voltages and harmonic controlling methods
CO5: Outline the power quality monitoring and improvement techniques

This course will enhance the communication skills for the betterment of the career. this laborstory course will also empower the leadership quality.

CO1: Design and demonstrate the working of combinational circuits. (K2) 

CO2: Construct sequential circuits like n –bit modulo counters and shift registers.(K3) 

CO3: Design and demonstrate the operation of A/D and D/A converters. (K2)



Upon completion of this course, the students will be able to

CO1: explain the concepts of basic electrical circuits (K2)

CO2: describe the working principles of electrical machines and instruments (K2)

CO3: outline the functions of the component of low voltage electrical installations (K2)

CO4: explain the characteristics and applications of semiconductor devices (K2)

CO5: recall the different logic principles used in digital circuits (K2)

Hands-on and simulation based implementation of various measurement and instrumentation experiments will be practiced.

A study about the need for measurements in real life and understand the way to build a instrumentation system.

CO1: describe the earthing system design


CO2: explain the various types of earthing in substations

CO1: determine the various parameters of power system. (K2)
CO2: compute the parameters for different type of faults in power system network. (K2)
CO3: determine breakdown strength of gaseous dielectric and liquid dielectric. (K2)
CO4: demonstrate the generation methods of High voltage AC, DC and Impulse. (K2)
CO5: infer the field distribution simulation model of single and multiple dielectrics. (K2)

15EE65C- Project Management and Finance (Even Sem 2020-21) handling By K. Karthik Kumar

This course is requested for the PG - HVE First Year First Sem. Students. 


Upon completion of this course, the students will be able to 

CO 1: recall the basic concepts in electric and magnetic fields. (K2) 

CO 2: choose the new techniques to find the solutions of electro static boundary value problems. (K2) 

CO 3: improve the new techniques to achieve the accurate results. (K2) 

CO 4: determine and find the various parameters of field configurations. (K2) 

CO 5: model the various electrical apparatus. (K2)

19SH17C - Engineering Practice Lab (Electrical) - EEE & CIVIL S4


Mr.K.Karthik Kumar, AP/EEE

Ms.G.Shunumgalakshmi AP/EEE

19SH17C - Engineering Practice Lab (Electrical) - Mech S6


Mr.K.Karthik Kumar, AP/EEE

Ms.M.Maduri Chitra AP/EEE

This course discuss the functional description of PLC,DCS and SCADA


Upon the successful completion of this course, the students will be able to,

  1. CO1: apply vector calculus for static electric and magnetic fields.
  2. CO2: analyze the concepts of electrostatic fields and boundary conditions for different mediums.
  3. CO3: examine the concepts of magnetostatic fields and boundary conditions for different mediums.
  4. CO4: formulate the Maxwell’s equations.
  5. CO5: employ the Maxwell equations for electromagnetic wave propagation.

course outcome

to know processing of signals


To Understand the Fundamental Concepts of Digital Electronics

To  understand the various global issues.

to demonstrate a reasonable understanding of environmental debates and issues.

to explain the developmental issues relating to food, health and energy.

to  demonstrate the economical issues in international trade.

to  describe the civilization issues relating to human rights and social justice.

Core Course for B.E. EEE Students

problem oriented course

Upon completion of this course, the students will be able to
CO1: Demonstrate the different BJT Biasing Circuits and its applications. (K2)
CO2: Illustrate the small signal parameters for amplifiers. (K2)
CO 3: Describe the operation of Feedback amplifiers.  (K2)
CO 4: Discuss the operation of Pulse circuits. (K2)
CO5: Explain rectifiers, filters and voltage regulators. (K2)


Upon completion of this course, the students will be able to

CO1: distinguish various types of power semiconductor devices. (K2)

CO2: analyze the operation of phase controlled rectifiers. (K2)

CO3: discuss the various topologies of DC–DC switching regulators. (K2)

CO4: describe the different modulation techniques of pulse width modulated inverters. (K2)

CO5: explain the operation of AC voltage controller and Cycloconverter. (K2)


Upon completion of this course, the students will be able to

CO1: explain the design of smart grid architecture. (K2)

CO2: outline the communication technologies used in smart grid. (K2)

CO3: explain the Smart Grid technologies, different smart meters. (K2)

CO4: summarize the renewable energy resources and storages integrated with smart grid (K3)

CO5: explain the power electronics converters for integration of renewable energy in smart grid. (K3)


  • To study various number systems and simplify the logical expressions using Boolean functions
  • To study combinational circuits
  • To design various synchronous and asynchronous circuits.
  • To introduce asynchronous sequential circuits and PLDs
  • To introduce digital simulation for development of application oriented logic circuits.






Course Outcomes:

Upon the successful completion of this course, the students will be able to

          Simplify Boolean functions and illustrate the various combinational circuits. (K2)

          Illustrate the behavior of synchronous sequential circuits (K2)

          Construct and illustrate the behavior of asynchronous sequential circuits. (K3)

          Summarize the characteristics of digital ICs and memory devices. (K2)

          Develop VHDL coding for simple circuits. (K3)


      Upon the successful completion of this course, the students will be able to,

CO1: Explain Specific Electrical and Magnetic loadings for various electrical DC and AC Machines. (K2)

CO2: Interpret main dimensions (D, L) of armature and field systems for D.C. machines. (K2)

CO3: Outline overall Dimensions of single and three phase transformers core, windings and cooling systems for transformers. (K2)

CO4: Interpret main dimensions of squirrel cage and Slip ring induction machines. (K2)

CO5: Illustrate enhanced dimensions of stator of AC machines. (K2)

To analyze and control real system as per the requirement

Fuzzy Logic System

Neural Networks


Dear Students,


Transmission Line Parameters

Power System Modelling

Power System Analysis


Upon completion of this course, the students will be able to 

CO1: grasp the concepts of analytic functions. (K3) 

CO2: evaluate complex integration over contour. (K3) 

CO3: use numerical techniques to solve algebraic equation and interpolate. (K3) 

CO4: solve differential equations using numerical methods. (K3) 

CO5: verify the validity of the arguments. (K2)


 Upon the successful completion of this course, the students will be able to, 

CO1: Design and analyze the Printed Circuit Boards fabrication 

CO2: Develop the Printed Circuit Boards and discuss the factors affecting PCB performance 


 Introduction to PCB design - Basics of hardware and software - Types of PCB, terminologies, PCB Layers - Different tools and software used for PCB designing - Different circuit on PCB design software - Creating a new project Building parts and symbols - Schematic of Different circuits - Creating multi-sheet flat designs - PCB layout and 3D Imaging - Introduction to Proteus and OrCAD Capture - Placement of components and Routing - Assigning reference designators - Design Rules checking - Adding inter sheet signal references - PCB stackup preparation-Characteristics impedance calculation-Signal Integrity analysis - Creating a Bill of Materials and Print layout - Gerber generation - PCB fabrication methods - Soldering Methods.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          L: 5 P: 20 TOTAL: 25 PERIODS


1. Charles Hamilton, “A Guide to Printed Circuit Board Design” Elsevier, 2013. 

2. Kraig Mitzner, “Complete PCB Design Using OrCAD Capture and PCB Editor” Newnes Publications, 2009. 

3. Christopher T. Robertson, “Printed Circuit Board Designer's Reference” Prentice Hall Professional, 2004. 

4. Eric Bogatin, “Signal integrity analysis simplified”, Prentice Hall Modern Semiconductor Design Series, 2012. 

5. http://www.ece.ucsb.edu/Faculty/Johnson/ECE189/Mentor2007/ 

6. http://read.pudn.com/downloads120/ebook/509920/Highspeed%20Digital%20Design%20-%20Johnson%20&%20Graham.pdf

CO1: Explain the fundamentals of IoT and its applications.

CO2: Develop simple applications using ARM processor and IoT.

Dear Students,
Welcome to Comprehension Lab Course
As we discussed in the class, Internal marks (50 marks) will be calculated from online tests(40 marks) and NPTEL course(10 marks) etc...


We planned to conduct 15 online tests through Google Class room.
Question pattern
a)Multiple choice question-10 questions X 1 mark = 10 Marks
b) Fill in the blanks- 5 questions X 3 marks=15 Marks
Maximum marks=25
Duration- Two periods
End of the week, we will upload the key of test and discuss the questions.

NPTEL Course
Students are asked to register any one NPTEL course (relevant to Electrical and Electronics domain) 10 marks(internal marks) will be calculated from Assignment marks of registered NPTEL course.

The end semester examinations will be conducted through offline mode.
50 numbers of gate questions from the gate syllabus subjects will be given as question paper. Problems has to be solved in the answer sheet, based on the answers, the marks will be awarded.



One Credit

CO1: Explain the fundamentals of IoT and its applications.

CO2: Develop simple applications using ARM processor and IoT.


Want to post the material for the students and evaluate the courses.

CO 1: describe the basics concepts of starting systems. (K2)

CO 2: explain the aspects of charging systems. (K2)

CO 3: distinguish the types of lighting system, batteries and accessories. (K2)

CO 4: explain the various process in automotive electronics. (K2)

CO 5: demonstrate the applications of sensors and activators. (K3)


Elective course offered by EEE department "15EE08E - ENERGY AUDITING AND MANAGEMENT" for Mechanical


Upon completion of this course, the students will be able to 

CO1: analyze and apply different sorting and searching techniques to solve the problem. (K4) 

CO2: implement basic linear data structures using static and dynamic memory allocation.(K3)

CO3: recognize the data organization and applications of binary trees and binary search trees. (K3) 

CO4: identify an appropriate hashing function and heap for an application. (K4) 

CO5: apply suitable algorithms for solving problems related to shortest path, network link analysis, and minimum spanning tree. (K3)


 Upon completion of this course, the students will be able to 

CO1: apply the concepts of sorting and searching techniques. (K3) 

CO2: implement linear and non linear data structures using static and dynamic memory allocation. (K3) 

CO3: apply the operations of stack and queue to solve problem. (K3) 

CO4: implement hashing function and heap for an application. (K3) 

CO5: apply suitable algorithms to solve shortest path problems. (K3)

CO1: understand the basic laws of electromagnetism. (K1) 

CO2: obtain the electric and magnetic fields for simple configurations under static conditions. (K2) 

CO3: analyze time varying electric and magnetic fields. (K2) 

CO4: understand Maxwell‟s equation in different forms and different media. (K1) 

CO5: investigate the propagation of EM waves in different spaces. (K3)

The subject covers the basic concepts of Electrical engineering with AC and DC power circuits. It includes the applications of Electrical apparatus like Motors, Generators and Instruments useful for Electronics and Communication Engineering department.

CO1: illustrate the architecture of Microprocessor (8085/8086). (K4)

CO2: develop programs based on the instruction sets of 8085. (K5)

CO3: design and implement peripheral device interfacing with 8085. (K5)

CO4: illustrate the architecture of 8051 Microcontroller. (K4)

CO5: develop application circuits by programming towards simple project development. (K5)


CO 1: describe the basics concepts of starting systems. (K2)

CO 2: explain the aspects of charging systems. (K2)

CO 3: distinguish the types of lighting system, batteries and accessories. (K2)

CO 4: explain the various process in automotive electronics. (K2)

CO 5: demonstrate the applications of sensors and activators. (K3)

I need to start this course for the second year EEE

This course is a mandatory course for all B.E / B.Tech Students.

Elective course covers the latest technology that provide skills with real industry oriented examples and knowledge.


Upon completion of this course, the students will be able to

CO1: explain the concept of energy auditing. (K2)

CO2: select energy efficient motor for various applications. (K2)

CO3: identify the possibility of energy conservation in driven equipment's. (K2)

CO4: select suitable lighting schemes for various environment(K3)

CO5: describe the concept of Energy Management. (K2)

Upon completion of this course, the students will be able to 

CO1: describe basic laws of mechanics and apply equilibrium principles to solve the problems on statics of particles. (K2)

CO2: draw free body diagram for two-dimensional rigid bodies and construct shear force and bending moment diagrams of beam section. (K3)

 CO3: determine the centroid and moment of inertia of plane lamina. (K3) 

CO4: understand the kinematics of rigid bodies and general plane motion. (K2)

 CO5: explain the basic principles and applications of friction. (K2)

III semester Core Course

CO1: Explain the design of smart grid architecture. (K2)

CO2: Outline the communication technologies used in smart grid. (K2)

CO3: Explain the Smart Grid technologies, different smart meters. (K2)

CO4: Summarize the renewable energy resources and storages integrated with smart grid (K3)

CO5: Explain the power electronics converters for integration of renewable energy in smart grid. (K3)

CO1: explain the concepts of basic electrical circuits (K2)

 CO2: describe the working principles of electrical machines and instruments (K2) 

CO3: outline the functions of the component of low voltage electrical installations (K2) 

CO4: explain the characteristics and applications of semiconductor devices (K2)

 CO5: recall the different logic principles used in digital circuits (K2)


Lab Course for 5th semester students

CO1: Explain the design of smart grid architecture. (K2)

CO2: Outline the communication technologies used in smart grid. (K2)

CO3: Explain the Smart Grid technologies, different smart meters. (K2)

CO4: Summarize the renewable energy resources and storages integrated with smart grid (K3)

CO5: Explain the power electronics converters for integration of renewable energy in smart grid. (K3)

CO1:  Understand the load characteristics and LFC of single and two area System. (K2)

CO2:  Discuss the different types of voltage control methods. (K2)

CO3:  Describe the computer based control of power system. (K2)

CO4:  Explain the characteristics of relays and protection schemes. (K2)

CO5:  Explain the operation of various types of Circuit breakers. (K2)

Third sum mathematics paper - EEE- Lateral Enty

This is the Mathematics paper in 3rd semester for II year EEE. 

Covers the basic electrical circuits and electrical machines concepts.

To provide GATE training 

MATLAB Programming Contest Series for Students


Analog and Digital Communication is the core course for the 4th semester students of ECE department.

Wireless communication is a core course for the 6sth semester students of ECE department.

Wireless communication course is a continuation of Electromagnetic waves course. Being a communication Engineer ,the students must know about the channel characteristics, concepts in wireless system, different standards and channel impairments and how to mitigate channel impairments etc.,

COURSE OUTCOMES Upon completion of this course, the students will be able to

 CO 1:Understand the concept of how to learn patterns and concepts from data (K2) 

CO 2: Explore unsupervised learning paradigms of machine learning. (K2) 

CO3:Understand thespecific features of reinforcement learning (K2) 

CO 4: Discuss Machine learning in IOT applications. (K2) 

CO 5: Discuss Machine learning applications across industries (K3)

Upon completion of this course, the students will be able to CO1: Explain the Hardware architecture of embedded product. (K2) CO2: Understand the software layered architecture of embedded product. (K2) CO3: Distinguish the internal components of FPGA specific design. (K2) CO4: Describe the printed circuit board design principles.(K2) CO5: Understand the concept of final product assembly sequence. (K2)

Upon completion of this course, the students will be able to CO1: Explain the Hardware architecture of embedded product. (K2) CO2: Understand the software layered architecture of embedded product. (K2) CO3: Distinguish the internal components of FPGA specific design. (K2) CO4: Describe the printed circuit board design principles.(K2) CO5: Understand the concept of final product assembly sequence. (K2)

Students will be prepared to use mathematical methods and circuit analysis models in the analysis of CMOS digital electronics circuits, including logic components.

I am Handling this course



I am handling 19EC59E Fundamentals of Cyber security course for VI semester ECE students.

Kindly enable me to add the moodle class for the same



I am handling VI semester course on Control systems for the ECE students. Enable me to add moodle class for the same.


2020-24 Batch NPTEL-Tutor Ward 1

Upon the completion of the course the students will be able to

Design the biasing circuit for a transistor to work as amplifier.

Design and analyze the small signal BJT and FET amplifier

Understand the frequency response of BJT amplifier

Design the power amplifiers and large signal tuned amplifiers for the desired


Design sinusoidal oscillator for audio and radio frequency oscillators.

Upon completion of this course, the student will be able to,

CO1: Understand the basic concept of MBIST

CO2: Understand how MBIST structures are included during the DFT design Flow

CO3: Analyse the various algorithms involved in MBIST

Wireless Communication

Product Development Lab III ECE A

Bio medical electronics is an elective course for III Year ECE Students

about automotive embedded system


one credit lab course -python Programming

CO1: Understand and represent Logic function and simplify it

CO2: Design and analyze combinational circuits

CO3: Design and analyze sequential circuits

CO4: Understand Logic families, working of Memory elements and Programmable Logic devices

CO5: Write simulation codes for digital circuits using Verilog HDL

Electronic devices 19EC31C

COURSE OUTCOMES Upon completion of this course, the students will be able to CO 1: Design and demonstrate the combinational and sequential circuits using digital ICs. (K2) CO 2: Design and simulate combinational circuits using verilog HDL. (K3)

COURSE OUTCOMES Upon completion of this course, the students will be able to CO 1: Design and demonstrate the combinational and sequential circuits using digital ICs. (K2) CO 2: Design and simulate combinational circuits using verilog HDL. (K3)

Upon completion of this course, the students will be able to 

 CO 1: Compute DFT using different methods.(K2) 

 CO 2: Design IIR filters. (K2) 

 CO 3: Design and realization of FIR filters. (K3) 

 CO 4: Discuss the finite word length effects in signal processing.(K2) 

 CO 5: Explain the concepts of Multi rate signal processing. (K2)

Explain the need for IC testing. Describe various IC testing techniques. Determine DC, AC parameters, Timing parameters from the testing. Interpret the various features of CAD tools used for IC testing.

Elective course for VII sem ECE students

Upon completion of this course, the students will be able to CO1: Describe the fabrication of IC and also DC, AC characteristics of OP- AMP.(K2) CO2: Discuss the various applications of OP- AMP. (K2) CO3: Discuss analog multipliers, PLL and its application.(K2) CO4: Infer the different types of digital to analog converter and Analog to Digital converter. (K3) CO5: Describe the various operating modes of timer IC & Different types ofvoltage regulator. (K2)

Upon completion of this course, the students will be able to 

CO1: Describe the fabrication of IC and also DC, AC characteristics of OP- AMP.(K2)

CO2: Discuss the various applications of OP- AMP. (K2) 

CO3: Discuss analog multipliers, PLL and its application.(K2) 

CO4: Infer the different types of digital to analog converter and Analog to Digital converter. (K3) 

CO5: Describe the various operating modes of timer IC & Different types ofvoltage regulator. (K2)

Electromagnetic wave theory deals with the effect of forces between charges both in static and in motion (dynamic). Inferring of forces needs its quantity and direction mathematically. Hence vector calculus is the basic math for electromagnetic theory. Charges may be in different forms such as point and its collection becomes a volume. Moving electric current causes magnetic field around the conducting medium. Hence the study of presence of both electric field and magnetic field is needed to understand its behavior in the conducting medium. This field combination obeys wave principle. The nature of that wave and its propagation is analyzed from basic Maxwell equations. This course is formulated to provide knowledge about the behavior of stationary and dynamic movement of charges with basic electromagnetic laws.

This course deals with the conceptualization of the components involved in designing a contemporary OS and determine the various ways of structuring an operating system. It discusses the handle processes, threads, and their communication and solves some of the common operating systems problems such as deadlock and synchronization and various techniques of allocating memory to processes and realize the role of virtual memory

COURSE OUTCOMES Upon completion of this course, the student will be able to  CO1 : Understand the fundamentals of object-oriented programming (K2) CO2 : Explore the concepts of inheritance and polymorphism (K2) CO3 : Apply the principles of linear data structures for various applications. (K3) CO4 : Implement the non linear data structure concepts (K3) CO5 : Design and develop sorting and searching techniques. (K4)

Upon completion of this course, the student will be able to CO1: Interpret the basic concepts and functions of DBMS and design E-R models for simple database application scenarios. (K2) CO2: Apply the relational algebra operations in a database design. (K3) CO3: Create database with appropriate constraints and query the database. (K3) CO4:Understand the Importance of logical database design.(K2) CO5: Analyze the database schema

Upon completion of this course, the student will be able to
 CO1: Understand the basic organization of computer and different instruction formats and addressing modes. (K1)
 CO2: Describe the representation and manipulation of data on the computer. (K2)
 CO3: Discuss about implementation schemes of control unit and pipelineperformance. (K2)
 CO4: Discuss the various types of parallelism architectures. (K2)
 CO5: Explain the memory hierarchy and I/O systems interfacing. (K2)









COURSE OUTCOMES Upon completion of this course, the students will be able to 

CO1 : Understand and represent Logic function and simplify it (K2) 

CO2 : Design and analyze combinational circuits (K3) 

CO3 : Design and analyze sequential circuits (K3) 

CO4 : Understand Logic families, working of Memory elements and Programmable Logic devices (K2) 

CO5 : write simulation codes for digital circuits using Verilog HDL (K3)

Upon completion of this course, the students will be able to 

CO1: Describe the fabrication of IC and also DC, AC characteristics of OP- AMP.(K2) 

CO2: Discuss the various applications of OP- AMP. (K2) 

CO3: Discuss analog multipliers, PLL and its application.(K2) 

CO4: Infer the different types of digital to analog converter and Analog to Digital converter. (K3) 

CO5: Describe the various operating modes of timer IC & Different types of voltage regulator. (K2)

COURSE OUTCOMES Upon completion of this course, the students will be able to 

CO 1 : Design and demonstrate various biasing circuits for an amplifier (K2) 

CO 2 : Design and construct BJT and MOSFET amplifier for the desired specification.(K3) 

CO 3 : Design and construct audio and radio frequency oscillator. (K3)

This course provides the guidelines on

1. how to improve the writing skills and level of readability.

2: Guidelines about what to write in each section (Abstract, Introduction, Methodology etc.), what tenses to use, and typical useful phrases.



I  am  handling Multimedia Compression and  Communication (15EC09E) Course for Third year  ECE.

19EC43C Microprocessor and Microcontrollers 4th Semester Core Course


M/s MITRAL SOLUTIONS ,BANGALORE framed this syllabus

COURSE OUTCOMES Upon completion of this course, the students will be able to

CO1 : Understands the internal architecture and organization of 8085 Microprocessor (K1)
CO2 : Develop assembly language programming using microprocessor (K2)
CO3 : Understands the internal architecture and organization of 8051 Microcontroller (K1)
CO4 : Design microcontroller based system (K2)
CO5 : Understand the basics of RISC processor (K1)

In this course ,students will be studied about fundamentals of RF and Microwave Engineering. At the end of this course,the students will be able to explain the different properties of S parameters for two port and N-Port networks, Analyze the design considerations of RF amplifier, Determine the S parameters for different types of Microwave components, Classify the different types of Microwave semiconductor devices & its applications and explain the operation of various microwave oscillators and amplifiers and explain different microwave measurement techniques.

S-Parameter measurements are required in today's high speed digital industry.Students will come to know about the job opportunities in  RF and Microwave industries and R&D organizations .

Mr. B. Ganapathy Ram
Assistant Professor,
Department of ECE
National Engineering College.
Email : bgrece@nec.edu.in
About Analog and Digital Communication System
Nowadays wireless communication technology is moving towards the sixth generation which strongly depends on the fundamentals of analog and digital communication. Hence, Electronics and Communication Engineering program of National Engineering College offers the course "Analog and Digital Communication" to the fourth semester students to get basic knowledge on digital communication systems. The ultimate objective of the course is to make the students understand the principles, techniques, trade-offs, and fundamental limits of analog and digital communication systems. This course analyses the performance of analog and digital communication systems in the presence of Additive White Gaussian Noise. It mainly focuses on theoretical concepts on load bearing pillars of digital communication systems such as waveform & channel coding, baseband & pass-band communication systems and waveform engineering, as well as demonstration of specific analog and digital communication examples.

CO1 : Analyze the performance of analog communication system (K2) 

CO2 : Understand waveform coding, compression and limits of information theory (K2) 

CO3 : Design channel encoder and decoder (K2) 

CO4 : Analyze the performance of digital pass band modulation techniques (K2)

CO5 : Comprehend the various components of digital communication systems. (K2)

Upon completion of this course, the student will be able to,
 CO1: understand the basic concept of MBIST
CO2: understand how MBIST structures are included during the DFT design Flow
CO3: analyze the various algorithms involved in MBIST

Upon completion of this course, the students will be able to 

CO1 : Design the biasing circuit for a transistor to work as amplifier. (K2) 

CO2 : Design and analyze the small signal BJT and FET amplifier. (K2) 

CO3 : Understand the frequency response of BJT amplifier. (K2) 

CO4 : Design the power amplifiers and large signal tuned amplifiers for the desired specification. (K3) 

CO5 : Design sinusoidal oscillator for audio and radio frequency oscillators. (K2)

Radio Frequency (RF) engineering is a subset of electrical engineering that deals with devices, which are designed to operate in the radio frequency spectrum.

RF and microwave engineering is incorporated into almost everything that transmits or receives a radio wave, which includes but is not limited to mobile phones, radios, Wi-Fi and walkie-talkies, and digital satellite television.

Current research being conducted by the RF and Microwave Engineering group at UCT includes radar and sonar and defence electronics. The group is also beginning to explore research in communications, placing an emphasis on software. Further research by the group includes looking into new ways to route information around a network, specifically the software involved in receivers and transmitters.

Value Education is an important course for the students to know about the values, ethics, and morals to be followed for the harmony of self, society and nature.

Automotive Embedded System - 19ES02E

Upon completion of this course, the students will be able toCO1: Explainthe various Parameters of antenna-wire antenna. (K2)CO2: Describe the various types of array antenna.(K2)CO 3: Explainthe aperture and special antennas for the given specification. (K2)CO 4: Analyze and classify the antennas for wireless applications. (K2) CO5:Explainvarious antenna measurent techniques. (K2)CO 6: Explainvarious radio wave propagation mechanism. (K2)

This course is a pre requisite for Wireless Communication course.This course deals with the antenna parameters and its working principles

This course is a Basic course for ECE students. It is a 3rd semester course

Understand the fundamentals of Radars


Upon completion of this course, the students will be able to 

CO 1: explain the basics of wireless sensor networks. (K1-K2) 

CO 2: discuss about the sensor network components, architecture and environments. (K1-K2) 

CO 3: explain the design principles of WSN and wireless standards. (K1-K2) 

CO 4: design the Smart Sensors and Applications of WSN. (K1-K4)

Upon completion of this course, students will be able to:

CO1: Apply vector calculus to analyze the behavior of static electric fields and calculate electric fields from stationary charge distribution. (K2)

CO2: Calculate magnetic fields from stationary and dynamic charge and current Distributions. (K2)

CO3: Analyze various geometries of conductors, charge distribution and current to determine the terminal behavior of capacitors and inductors. (K2)

CO4: Explain Maxwell‟s equation from fundamental laws. (K2)

CO5: Describe the propagation of plane waves in various materials. (K2)

This course Microprocessors and Microcontroller:

Describe the architecture of 8085, 8086 and 8051.

Explain the architecture of 80486 and the concepts of Memory management.

Describe the special features of Pentium processor family. 

Also create an intrest among  the students to design and implement 8051 microcontroller based systems

CO 1 : Recall the different number systems and demonstrate the simplification of Boolean expressions using Boolean algebra & Karnaugh Map method. (K2)

CO2: Analyze the combinational building blocks. (K3)

CO3: Analyze the working of sequential circuit elements. (K2)

CO4: Develop a state diagram and simplify the given sequential logic.(K3)

CO5: Describe the different programmable logic devices & digital logic families. (K2)

Electronics and Communication Engineering program offers Advanced Communication Systems course relevant to digital communication. Nowadays wireless communication technology is moving towards fifth generation which strongly depends on the fundamentals of digital communication. Hence, the ultimate objective of the course is to train the students on principles, techniques, trade-offs, and fundamental limits of digital communication systems. This courese covers fundamental concepts of digital communication systems, which are essential for advanced studies in wireless communication systems. It mainly focuses on theoretical concepts on load‐bearing pillars of digital communication systems such as waveform & channel coding, baseband & pass-band communication systems and waveform engineering, as well as demonstration of specific digital and wireless communication examples to fulfill the gap between theory and practical application.

Digital Electronics are electronics that operate on digtal signals.

Electronic devices are components for controlling the flow of electrical currents for the purpose of information processing and system control. Prominent examples include transistors and diodes. Electronic devices are usually small and can be grouped together into packages called integrated circuits.

Designed Primarily For Courses In Operational Amplifier And Linear Integrated Circuits For Electrical, Electronic, Instrumentation And Computer Engineering And Applied Science Students. Includes Detailed Coverage Of Fabrication Technology Of Integrated Circuits. Basic Principles Of Operational Amplifier, Internal Construction And Applications Have Been Discussed. Important Linear Ics Such As 555 Timer, 565 Phase-Locked Loop, Linear Voltage Regulator Ics 78/79 Xx And 723 Series D-A And A-D Converters






A course on de centerilzed networks.. Enjoy learning..

A Lab course for VII Sem ECE students

Lab course

            Electromagnetic theory deals with the effect of forces between charges both in static and in motion (dynamic). Inferring of forces needs its quantity and direction mathematically. Hence vector calculus is the basic math for electromagnetic theory. Charges may be in different forms such as point and its collection becomes a volume. Moving electric current causes magnetic field around the conducting medium. Hence the study of presence of both electric field and magnetic field is needed to understand its behavior in the conducting medium. This field combination obeys wave principle. The nature of that wave and its propagation is analyzed from basic Maxwell equations.

          This course is formulated to provide knowledge about the behavior of stationary and dynamic movement of charges with basic electromagnetic laws.


Upon completion of this course, students will be able to:

CO1: Apply vector calculus to analyze the behaviour of static electric fields and calculate electric fields from stationary charge distribution. (K2)

CO2: Calculate magnetic fields from stationary and dynamic charge and current Distributions. (K2)

CO3: Analyze various geometries of conductors, charge distribution and current to determine the terminal behavior of capacitors and inductors. (K2)

CO4: Explain Maxwell‟s equation from fundamental laws. (K2)

CO5: Describe the propagation of plane waves in various materials. (K2)

                                              This course deals with the behavior of stationary and moving electric charges with  the help of fundamental electromagnetic laws and vecror calculus.The timevarying displacement of electromagnetic field components also discussed with the help of Maxwell equations and wave principles.



This course explains the network security threats and vulnerabilities; describe the importance of host, data and network security; explains secure network administration principles, access control and identity management; the concepts of CIA and various cryptographic algorithms.

This course explains the security threats and vulnerabilities. The importance of Host, Data and Network security is described. Explains the secure network administration principles, access control and identity management. Also explains the concepts of CIA and various cryptography algorithms.

A transmission line is a pair of electrical conductors carrying an electrical signal from one place to another.

A waveguide is an electromagnetic feed line used in microwave communications, broadcasting, and radar installations.

While electromagnetic fields cannot penetrate far into good conductors, they can be guided long distances by them. Distributed objects can have energy stored in electric fields through capacitance, and in magnetic fields by inductance; the interplay between these can give rise to an energy flow. Transmission lines and waveguides ae used to transport electromagnetic energy at microwave frequencies from one point in a system to another without radiation of energy taking place.

Transmission Line – A two conductor structure that can support a TEM wave.

Waveguide – A one conductor structure that cannot support a TEM wave.

Radio Frequency (RF) engineering is a subset of electrical engineering that deals with devices, which are designed to operate in the radio frequency spectrum. ... Current research being conducted by the RF and Microwave Engineering group at UCT includes radar and sonar and defence electronics.

Radiofrequency and Microwave Applications

Today, at home or on the move, every one of us uses devices that employ wireless technology to an increasing extent. Figure 1.1 shows a selection of wireless communication, navigation, identification and detection applications.

Figure 1.1 (a) Examples of wireless applications (b) RF components and propagation of electromagnetic waves.


In the future we will see a growing progression of the trend of applying components and systems of high frequency technology to new areas of application. The development and maintenance of such systems requires an extensive knowledge of the high frequency behaviour of basic elements (e.g. resistors, capacitors, inductors, transmission lines, transistors), components (e.g. antennas), circuits (e.g. filters, amplifiers, mixers) including physical issues such as electromagnetic wave propagation.

High frequency technology has always been of major importance in the field of radio applications, recently though RF design methods have started to develop as a crucial factor with rapid digital circuits. Due to the increasing processing speed of digital circuits, high frequency signals occur which, in turn, create demand for RF design methods.






This course is ultimately aimed to impart fundamental concepts of analog and digital communication systems, which are essential to understand advanced courses like advanced communication system and wireless communication. The course will cover analog modulation techniques such as Amplitude Modulation (AM), Frequency Modulation (FM), and Phase Modulation (PM). Also it allows the students to understand the performance of the continuous wave communication system that uses analog modulation techniques. Further, the course will also cover basic concepts of digital communication systems such as representing a signal in space, information theory and source coding techniques. 

The important objective of this course is to impart the fundamental principles and technologies used in wireless communication systems. This course will offer a student an in-depth understanding of the design of cellular systems, detailed discussion of multiple access techniques. Also this course will briefly discuss about large-scale and small scale propagation effects in wireless channel and the related impairments. Further this course will cover the wireless Channel Capacity, techniques to improve signal quality. Moreover it will deal the system and standards of 2G, 3G, 4G wireless communication and wireless LAN.

CO 1: Explain the various large signal amplifiers.(K2)
CO 2: Analyze the various negative feedback topologies.(K3)
CO 3: Classify a sinusoidal oscillator.(K2)
CO 4: Describe the different types of tuned amplifiers.(K2)
CO 5: Explain various wave shaping circuits (K2)
CO 6: Write PSPICE programs for various electronic circuits. (K3)

15EC22E EMBEDDED SYSTEM ARCHITECTURE course is an elective course(PEC).This course is drafted by M/s MISTRAL SOLUTIONS P LTD,BANGALORE.

Core paper for II year ECE students



                                              This course is one of the fundamental course which deals with preparation of Embedded Linux system for application. Also it focuses the kernel space programs.

Opensource board: UDOO NEO(FULL)

Operating system:Linux OS(Ubuntu 16.xx)

1 credit course - 15EC26L-JAVA CORE FUNDAMENTALS for 5th Semester


I want to create this elective course for V sem -ECE students.. do needful sir

Trans Disciplinary Course

The status of women in India has been subject to many changes over the span of recorded Indian history. Their position in society deteriorated early in India's ancient period, especially in the Indo-Aryan speaking regions, and their subordination continued to be reified well into India's early modern period.

The concepts of EMF Plays major role in RF Engineering.

Optical communication, also known as optical telecommunication, is communication at a distance using light to carry information. It can be performed visually or by using electronic devices.

Upon completion of this course, the students will be able to:

CO 1: Explain the various modeling for electrical and electronics systems.(K2)

CO 2: Classify the time response analysis.(K2)

CO 3: Investigate the control systems using frequency domain plots.(K3)

CO 4: Determine the stability of the control systems in time, frequency and spatial domain representations. (K3)

CO5: Use state variable analysis for continuous time and discrete time systems.(K3)

Mr. B. Ganapathy Ram
Assistant Professor,
Department of ECE
National Engineering College.
Email : bgrece@nec.edu.in

ACADEMIC YEAR 2020 - 2021


R2015 / 2018-2022 BATCH / V SEMESTER

About Advanced Communication System
Electronics and Communication Engineering program offers Advanced Communication Systems course relevant to digital communication. Nowadays wireless communication technology is moving towards the sixth generation which strongly depends on the fundamentals of digital communication. Hence, the ultimate objective of the course is to make the students understand the principles, techniques, trade-offs, and fundamental limits of digital communication systems. This course covers fundamental concepts of digital communication systems, which are essential for advanced studies in wireless communication systems. It mainly focuses on theoretical concepts on load‐bearing pillars of digital communication systems such as waveform & channel coding, baseband & pass-band communication systems and waveform engineering, as well as demonstration of specific digital and wireless communication examples to fulfill the gap between theory and practical application.
Mr. B. Ganapathy Ram
Assistant Professor,
Department of ECE
National Engineering College.
Email : bgrece@nec.edu.in
About Advanced Wireless Communication
Wireless communication technologies have witnessed revolutionary developments in the last decade with 3G, 4G and 5G. Next generation wireless networks are focused to meet various requirements like enormous bandwidth, massive number of devices connected together, low latency, long battery life, and more reliability. Various technologies like MIMO, massive MIMO, mm-wave technology, novel waveform candidates have assured the requirements. Hence, Electronics and Communication Engineering program of National Engineering College offers the elective course "Advanced Wireless Communication" to the seventh semester students to get knowledge on recent wireless communication technologies mentioned above. The ultimate objective of this course is to impart the principles, techniques, trade-offs applications and limitations of the fourth generation and the fifth generation wireless communication systems. This course covers the fundamental modulation techniques and MIMO principles of Long Term Evolution (LTE) systems. Also it focuses the foundations of Long Term Evolution – Advanced (LTE-A) techniques such as candidate waveforms for 5G, mm-wave communication and massive MIMO communication.

15EC53 Microprocessor and Microcontroller Core Course


Antenna and Wave Propagation is the fundamental and base for Wireless Communication system.  In this course the first unit deals with what is antenna ? what is the function of antenna ?, antenna parameters such as antenna impedance, gain,directivity ,bandwidth,beam width,effective aperture area ,mutual impedance and Friss transmission formula. Also it deals with half dipole antenna ,monopole and small loop antennas.

In the II unit, design of various array antennas are discussed. III Unit deals with aperture antenna and special antennas such as Rhombic antenna,Helical Antenna ,Biconical antennas . IV Unit, antennas which are used for mobiles application are discussed.Also the radiation pattern measurements, gain, directivity measurements are discussed. Anechoic chamber for doing all measurements are also discussed. V Unit describes the radio propagation such as ground wave propagation,ionospheric  and tropospheric  propagation are discussed.

After completion of the course ,the students would be understand the function of antennas,design concepts,measurements related with the antenna and various radio propagation involved in the wireless communication.

This course contents provide the processors specific basic knowledge for Embedded system.

Upon completion of this course, the students should be able to
CO1 : perform Fourier series analysis of the functions (K2)
CO2 : compute the Fourier transforms of various functions (K2)
CO3 : calculate the Fourier series solution of Wave and Heat equations (K3)
CO4 : solve difference equations using Z–Transforms (K2)
CO5 : solve the differential equations using Transforms (K3)

core paper for III sem ECE Students

Signals and Systems


After completion of this course, the students will be able to

  •  Understand the principles of semiconductor Physics 
  •  Discuss the diode characteristics and its applications 
  •  Discuss the characteristics of BJT and MOS transistors 
  •  Describe the operation and characteristics of special semiconductor devices 
  •  Describe the operation and characteristics of advanced MOS devices 

Radar and Navigational Aids  15EC07E

Seventh semester ECE  Elective 

Antenna and Wave Propagation  15EC54C

After completion of this course, the students will be able to

  •  Explain the concept of operational and project management. 
  •  Define the scope of a project and develop the project plan. 
  •  Evaluate the technical, business and social environment related to the project.
  • Formulate and manage project team successfully. 
  •  Monitor and control projects using tools and techniques. 

After completion of this course, the students will be able to

  • Explain the concept of operational and project management. 
  • Define the scope of a project and develop the project plan. 
  •  Evaluate the technical, business and social environment related to the project.
  •  Formulate and manage project team successfully. 
  •  Monitor and control projects using tools and techniques. 


core subject

year : III ECE

signals and systems

core paper



CO Statements

CO Level

Upon the completion of the course the students will be able to


Explain the various modeling for electrical and electronics systems.



Classify the time response analysis.



Investigate the control systems using frequency domain plots.



Determine the stability of the control systems in time, frequency and spatial domain representations.



Use state variable analysis for continuous time and discrete time systems.


Software defined radio (SDR) is an exciting merger of digital signal processing and wideband radio hardware. In this lab, the base band signal processing techniques of OFDM at the transmitter end (waveform encoding, source encoding, channel encoding, encryption, IQ mapping, IFFT, Serial to Parallel/Parallel to serial conversion, and pulse shaping) and at the receiver end (synchronization, carrier frequency/ symbol time offset correction, channel estimation, channel equalization, channel decoding, decryption, source decoding and waveform decoding) are done with the help of Labview Communication Suite software to generate base band modulated waveform. The base band modulated spectrum is shifted to high frequency pass band spectrum and becomes high frequency RF signal which is more suitable for transmitting it in wireless medium. This process is achieved with the help of hardware which consists of high speed FPGA.

Upon completion of this course, the students will be able to 

CO1: select a good project and able to work in a team leading to development of hardware / software product. (K4)
CO2 : Prepare a good technical report and present the ideas with clarity. (K3)

Non-Destructive Testing (NDT) is a range of analysis techniques used to evaluate the properties of a material or component, without causing damage or destruction to it. NDT is used in a very wide range of industries such as; Oil & Gas, Aerospace, Energy, Power, Nuclear, Transport and job opportunities are virtually limitless.Non-Destructive Testing (NDT) is a range of analysis techniques used to evaluate the properties of a material or component, without causing damage or destruction to it. NDT is used in a very wide range of industries such as; Oil & Gas, Aerospace, Energy, Power, Nuclear, Transport and job opportunities are virtually limitless.

Upon completion of this course, the students will be able to

 CO1 : explain the concepts published in reputed journals on their area of interest. (K2) 

CO2 : examine patents and the procedure available in the database. (K2)


Upon completion of this course, the students will be able to

CO1: explain the basic concepts of optical fibres and Laser fundamentals. (K2)

CO2: illustrate principles of optical fibres in Industrial applications. (K2)

 CO3: summarize Industrial application of lasers. (K2)

CO4: explain the principle and application of hologram. (K2)

 CO5: discuss the various Medical applications of Lasers. (K2)

This subject deals with the various clinical applications of biomedical instruments.

Non-Destructive Testing (NDT) is a range of analysis techniques used to evaluate the properties of a material or component, without causing damage or destruction to it. NDT is used in a very wide range of industries such as; Oil & Gas, Aerospace, Energy, Power, Nuclear, Transport and job opportunities are virtually limitless.Non-Destructive Testing (NDT) is a range of analysis techniques used to evaluate the properties of a material or component, without causing damage or destruction to it. NDT is used in a very wide range of industries such as; Oil & Gas, Aerospace, Energy, Power, Nuclear, Transport and job opportunities are virtually limitless.

The field of mechatronics finds wide applications in "Industrial Automation".



Upon completion of this course, the students will be able to

CO1 : illustrate the basic concepts in MOS and VLSI Technology. (K2)

CO2 :explain the design process of MOS Technology. (K2)

CO3 :develop subsystem and layout in VLSI circuits. (K3)

CO4 :discuss the concepts of Arithmetic building Blocks. (K2)

CO5 :model the digital system using Verilog HDL.(K3)

UNIT I MOS TECHNOLOGY9 Introduction to IC Technology-MOS and VLSI Technology -MOS transistors: Enhancement and Depletion mode transistor actions -Fabrication of NMOS, CMOS and BiCMOS transistors -Thermal aspects of processing -BiCMOS Technology -Production of E beam Masks-MOS electrical properties: IDS Vs VDS relationships, Threshold voltage-Trans conductanceVs Output conductance and Pull up to pull down ratio determination-BiCMOS Inverters-Latch up in CMOS circuits

UNIT II DESIGN PROCESSES AND SCALING EFFECTS 9 MOS and BiCMOS circuit design: Stick diagrams-Lambda based design rules-Layout diagrams -Scaling models-Scaling factors for device parameters-Limitations of scaling-Limits due to sub threshold currents-Limits on logic levels and supply voltage due to noise

UNIT III SUBSYSTEM DESIGN AND LAYOUT 9 Switch logic-GATE logic: Two input nMOS, CMOS and BiCMOS, NAND, AND, NOR gates -Combinational logic: Parity generator-Multiplexers-Clocked sequential circuits: Two phase clocking-Charge storage-Register elements and Shift register-System considerations: Bus lines arrangements-Pre-charged bus concepts-Power dissipation and Power distribution buses.

UNIT IVARITHMETIC BUILDING BLOCKS9Data path circuits, Architecture for ripple carry adders, carry look ahead adders, high speed adders, accumulators, Multipliers, dividers, Barrel shifters, speed and area tradeoff.

UNIT VSPECIFICATION USING VERILOG HDL9Design Methodologies –Modules –Instances –Test bench –Operators –Number Specification –Identifiers and Keywords –Data Types –Modules and Ports –Gate-Level Modeling -Dataflow Modeling –Behavioral Modeling-Gate level/Dataflow description of decoder, equality detector, comparator, priority encoder, half adder, full adder, Ripple R-2015 Curriculum & Syllabus for BE.EIE78carry adder, Behavioral modeling of D flip-flop, T flip-flop, Asynchronous counter, shift register  L: 45 TOTAL: 45 PERIODS


1.D.A.Pucknell, K.Eshraghian, ―Basic VLSI Design‖, 3rd Edition, Prentice Hall of India, New Delhi, 2008.

2.Weste and Harris, ―CMOS VLSI DESIGN: A Circuit and Systems Perspective‖, 3rdEdition, Pearson Education, 2007. (4thReprint)

3.Samir Palnitkar, ―Verilog HDL, A Guide to Digital Design and Synthesis" 2nd Edition, Pearson Education, 2005.


1.Jan Rabaey, Anantha Chandrakasan, B.Nikolic, ―Digital Integrated Circuits: A Design Perspective‖, PHI, 2nd Edition, 2003

2.Wayne Wolf, ―Modern VLSI design‖, Pearson Education, 3rdEdition, 2007.

3.Uyemura J.P, ―Introduction to VLSI circuits and systems‖, Wiley, 2002.

4.Ciletti, ―Advanced Digital Design with the Verilog HDL‖, Prentice Hall of India, 20



Upon completion of this course, the students will be able to

CO1 : illustrate the basic concept of embedded systems.(K2)

CO2 :explain the embedded system development. (K2)

CO3 :apply the suitable embedded protocol for different applications.(K3)

CO4 :distinguish real time tasks and scheduling concepts. (K3)

CO5 :describe ARM processor. (K2)

UNIT I INTRODUCTION TO EMBEDDED SYSTEM 9Model of an Embedded System-Microprocessor Vs Microcontroller -Figures of Merit for an Embedded System-Classification of Microcontroller unit: 4/8/16/32Bits-Current Trends-The Hardware Point of View: Microcontroller unit -8-bit Microcontroller unit -Memory for Embedded System-Low Power Design -Pullup and Pull down resistors-Applications of embedded system: Mobile phone, ABS, MRI, Modern Wheel Chair

UNIT II EMBEDDED FIRMWARE DEVELOPMENT ENVIRONMENT 9Embedded Product Development Life Cycle-objectives, different phases of EDLC, Modelling of EDLC; Data Flow Graph, state machine model, Sequential Program Model, concurrent Model, object oriented Model.

UNIT III EMBEDDED NETWORKING 9Embedded Networking: Introduction, I/O Device Ports & Buses–Serial Bus communication protocols -RS232 standard –USB-Firewire –RS485 -CAN Bus -Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI) –Inter Integrated Circuits (I2C) –need for device drivers.

UNIT IV RTOS BASED EMBEDDED SYSTEM DESIGN 9Introduction to basic concepts of RTOS -Real time Tasks -Real time systems-Types of Real time Tasks-Real time Operating Systems -Real time Scheduling Algorithms -Rate Monotonic Algorithm -The Earliest Deadline First Algorithm -Task, process & threads, interrupt routines in RTOS, Multiprocessing and Multitasking -Inter process Communication -priority inversion-priority inheritance-comparison of Real time Operating systems: Vx Works, PSOS, RT Linux.

UNIT V ARM PROCESSOR9Block diagram-features of the LPC 214X family –peripherals -ARM9 -ARM Cortex M3.



1.Rajkamal, ̳Embedded System-Architecture, Programming, Design‘, McGraw Hill, 2013.

2.Peckol, ―Embedded system Design‖, John Wiley & Sons, 2010.

3.Lyla B Das,‖ Embedded Systems-An Integrated Approach‖, Pearson, 2013.


1.Shibu. K.V, ―Introduction to Embedded Systems‖, Tata Mcgraw Hill, 2009.

2.Elicia White,‖ Making Embedded Systems‖, O‘ Reilly Series,SPD, 2011.3.Tammy Noergaard, ―Embedded Systems Architecture‖, Elsevier, 2006.

4.Han-Way Huang, ‖Embedded system Design using C8051‖, Cengage Learning, 2009.5.Rajib Mall ―Real-Time systems Theory and Practice‖ Pearson Education, 2007.


Upon completion of this course, the students will be able to

 CO1 : design an on/off controller (S3, K3) 

CO2 : construct a ladder program for real time process (S3, K4)

 CO3 : create the functional diagram for various process in DCS (S2, K2)



 Upon completion of this course, the students will be able to

CO1 : describe the PLC components and basic programming concept. (K2)

CO2: explain the instructions used in PLC. (K2)

 CO3 : develop the program using PLC for industrial applications. (K3)

CO4 : describe the functionality of SCADA. (K2)

CO5 : explain the basic concepts of DCS and its Interfacings. (K2)

Biomedical and devices used for diagnostics


Upon completion of this course, the students will be able to

CO1: represent the mathematical descriptions of continuous and discrete time signals and systems (K2)

CO2: analyze the spectral characteristics of periodic and aperiodic signals using Fourier analysis for LTIS (K3)

CO3: determine the response of linear systems using Laplace and Fourier Transform.(K3)

CO4: analyze oneport and two port networks using network functions (K3)

CO5: synthesize RL,LC, RC networks (K4

Course Goal:

A Control Systems Engineer is responsible for designing, developing, and implementing solutions that control dynamic systems. Dynamic systems are systems that constantly change. The aim of a Control Systems Engineer is to bring stability to these constantly changing systems to produce the desired outcome.

It is a field of engineering that is wide and varied. One example to help illustrate the role of a Control Systems Engineers is the development of anti-lock braking systems in cars. So, according to the definition above, a Control Systems Engineer in this situation will design, develop, and implement systems that control the behaviour of the car’s brakes in various conditions, i.e. different speeds, road surface conditions, brake temperatures, etc

Prerequisite : Engineering Physics, Linear Algebra.


To contribute to the knowledge of Fiber optics and Laser Instrumentation and its Industrial and Medical Application. 


 i. To expose the students to the basic concepts of optical fibers and their properties. ii. To provide adequate knowledge about the Industrial applications of optical fibers. iii. To expose the students to the Laser fundamentals. iv. To provide adequate knowledge about Industrial application of lasers. v. To provide adequate knowledge about holography and Medical applications of Lasers.

CO1: illustrate the Visual inspection and liquid penetrant testing procedures (K2) 

CO2: explain the principles and procedures for ultrasonic and Acoustic emission testing of industrial components (K2) 

CO3: compare the principles, procedures and Instrumentation used for non-destructive testing of ferromagnetic materials (K2)

CO4: classify the various sources and detectors used for the thermography and radiography techniques. (K2) 

CO5: critically appraise the NDT techniques available and select the most appropriate one for a given situation/application. (K3)


Upon completion of this course, the students will be able to

 CO1 : outline the basic need of measurement systems. (K2)

 CO2 : interpret the static and dynamic characteristics of transducers. (K2) 

CO3 : explain the various types of Resistive transducers. (K2)

 CO4 : describe the features of Capacitive and Inductive Transducers. (K2)

 CO5 : illustrate the various applications of transducers using modern sensors. (K2)


Upon completion of this course, the students will be able to

CO1 : explain the theory, operation and installation of variable head type flow meters.(K2)

CO2 : illustrate the working principle of quantity, area and mass flow meters. (K2)

CO3 : describe the construction and principle of operation of electrical type flow meters. (K2)

CO4 : explain the working principle of various liquid level measuring instruments.(K2)

CO5 : discuss the different measurement procedures of viscosity, humidity and moisture. (K3)


Upon completion of this course, the students will be able to

CO1: illustrate the Visual inspection and liquid penetrant testing procedures (K2)

CO2: explain the principles and procedures for ultrasonic and Acoustic emission testing of industrial components (K2)

CO3: compare the principles, procedures and Instrumentation used for non-destructive testing of ferromagnetic materials (K2)

CO4: classify the various sources and detectors used for the thermography and radiography techniques. (K2)

CO5: critically appraise the NDT techniques available and select the most appropriate one for a given situation/application. (K3)

This course describes the benefits and architecture of IoT and gives detail explanation of various IoT hardware components & Interfacing devices.The interpretation of different communication devices and IoT Protocols are discussed. ARDUINO programming and debugging along with interfacing concepts are explained.This course gives technical knowledge in IoT real time applications.


             Upon completion of this course, the students will be able to 

CO1 : explain the principle of operation of different types of electrical Instruments. (K2)

CO2 : explain the various measurement techniques of Power, Energy and Power factor. (K2) 

CO3 : illustrate the working principle of Potentiometers and Instrument transformers. (K2) 

CO4 : determine the unknown resistance, inductance and capacitance in different facets of measurement. (K3) 

CO5 : explain the operation of various electronic measuring instruments. (K2)


Upon completion of this course, the students will be able to

CO1 : demonstrate and analyze the principle of operation of various transducers in the

          measurement of physical quantities. (S3, K2)

CO2 : perform the measurement of unknown resistance, capacitance and inductance and also

           criticize the output. (S2, K2)

CO3 : demonstrate the various steps involved in the calibration of electrical instruments. (S3, K2)

Elective course for III year EIE students

15EI05E-VLSI Design

15EI04E- Embedded Systems

15EI67C-Product Development Laboratory

Non-Destructive Testing (NDT) is a range of analysis techniques used to evaluate the properties of a material or component, without causing damage or destruction to it. NDT is used in a very wide range of industries such as; Oil & Gas, Aerospace, Energy, Power, Nuclear, Transport and job opportunities are virtually limitless.Non-Destructive Testing (NDT) is a range of analysis techniques used to evaluate the properties of a material or component, without causing damage or destruction to it. NDT is used in a very wide range of industries such as; Oil & Gas, Aerospace, Energy, Power, Nuclear, Transport and job opportunities are virtually limitless.

Upon completion of this course, the students will be able to

CO1 : explain the concepts published in reputed journals on their area of interest. (K2)

CO2 : examine patents and the procedure available in the database. (K2)

The student shall give at least one technical presentation on recent research publications

and patents related to specialization. The presentation will be assessed by a committee

constituted by the Head of the Department.

The students shall submit a report at the end of the semester.

In this era of revolution technology, industrial automation system deals with advanced automation control technologies to have better control performance over complex processes. To increase reliability, productivity and quality while minimizing the production cost, process control industries must be driven by integrated controllers with high distributed control capability. Distributed Control System is a specially designed control system used to control complex, large and geographically distributed applications in industrial processes. In this, controllers are distributed throughout the entire plant area.

Industrial automation networks were slow and uncomplicated, no special components were required. For example, EIA-232, EIA-422/423, and EIA-485 were often used for the physical layers. In order to communicate with sensors and its peripherals we need an efficient protocol in terms of speed, reliability and safety indeed to communicate with HART, CAN, PROFI Bus, MOD Bus

COURSE OUTCOMESUpon completion of this course,the students will be able to,

CO1:Differentiate the Non destructive testing from destructive testing techniques. (K2)

CO2:Explain the fundamentals and principles involved in the various Non destructive testing. (K2)

CO3:Describe the procedures used to perform basic NDT techniques. (K2)

CO4:Analyze the advantages and limitations of one method over other methods. (K2)

CO5:Critically appraise the NDT techniques available and select the most appropriate one for a given situation/application. (K2)

Welcome to elective course "15EI29E COMPUTER CONTROL OF PROCESS"

The course will explain the basic concepts of optical fibres and Laser fundamentals, illustrate principles of optical fibres in Industrial applications,summarize Industrial application of lasers, explain the principle and application of hologram and discuss the various Medical applications of Lasers

sensor network comprises a group of tiny, typically battery-powered devices and wireless infrastructure that monitor and record conditions in any number of environments -- from the factory floor to the data center to a hospital lab and even out in the wild. The sensor network connects to the Internet, an enterprise WAN or LAN, or a specialized industrial network so that collected data can be transmitted to back-end systems for analysis and used in applications.


Upon completion of this course, the students will be able to

CO1: outline the fundamental concepts of wireless sensor networks.

 CO2: explain the capabilities and limitations of the sensor nodes in a sensor network and demonstrate

          the basic networking philosophy.

CO3: illustrate the principles of digital communications over wireless channels and various routing    


 CO4: discuss the naming and addressing issues in networking.

CO5: explain the various applications of sensor networks in different facets of networking.

Intelligent controller is the basic paper for the Artificial intelligence (AI). AI is an interdisciplinary science with multiple approaches capable of performing tasks like human intelligence.  In our instrumentation engineering it is very helpful to understand the concept behind the automation. Automation and instrumentation are fundamental aspects of the modern industry. Automation is the technique through which any system is made automatic. In this intelligent controller paper we can able to comprehend the architecture of intelligent control system, neural network and fuzzy logic which is helpful to make the automatic system.  

This course is designed

*      To explain the basic principles of biomedical instruments and their clinical applications.

*      To discuss the various types of sample analyzers and sensory measurements that hold clinical importance.

*      To describe the electrophysiological evaluations in critical situations.

A mini-project which is relevant to the branch of interest of the student or a simulation model developed by the student with the guidance of a faculty member.

Linear Integrated Circuits introduces the basic building blocks of the Integrated circuits along with fundamental concepts of electronic circuits like operational amplifiers, rectifiers, comparator and timers. Also introduce a few special function integrated circuits such as regulator , waveform generator etc.

sensor network comprises a group of tiny, typically battery-powered devices and wireless infrastructure that monitor and record conditions in any number of environments -- from the factory floor to the data center to a hospital lab and even out in the wild. The sensor network connects to the Internet, an enterprise WAN or LAN, or a specialized industrial network so that collected data can be transmitted to back-end systems for analysis and used in applications.


Upon completion of this course, the students will be able to

CO1: outline the fundamental concepts of wireless sensor networks.

 CO2: explain the capabilities and limitations of the sensor nodes in a sensor network and demonstrate

          the basic networking philosophy.

CO3: illustrate the principles of digital communications over wireless channels and various routing    


 CO4: discuss the naming and addressing issues in networking.

CO5: explain the various applications of sensor networks in different facets of networking.

Upon completion of this course, the students will be able to

Discuss the concepts of measuring instruments.

Describe the working of pressure and flow gauges.

Illustrate the vibration and temperature measuring instruments.

Recognize various transducer variables and measurement signals.

Explain the basic principle of control systems.

Upon the completion of the course the students will be able to

 explain the basic concepts of optical fibres and Laser fundamentals.

 illustrate principles of optical fibres in Industrial applications.

summarize Industrial application of lasers.

 explain the principle and application of hologram.

discuss the various Medical applications of Lasers.

final year EIE core

INTRODUCTION TO DISASTER 8 Hazard, risk, vulnerability, disaster significance, nature, importance, dimensions and scope of disaster management - national disaster management frame work- financial arrangements- disaster- management cycle. UNIT II SOURCES OF DISASTER 10 Natural disasters- significance, nature, types and effects - floods, drought, cyclone, earthquakes, landslides, avalanches, volcanic eruptions, heat and cold waves, climatic change - global warming - sea level rise - ozone depletion. Manmade disasters- nuclear , chemical, biological, building fire, coal fire, forest fire, oil fire, air pollution, water pollution, deforestation, industrial waste water pollution, road accidents, rail accidents, air accidents and sea accidents. UNIT III DISASTER MITIGATION AND HAZARDS ASSESMENT 10 Factors affecting damage – types, social status, habitation pattern, physiology and climate - Factors affecting mitigation measures - prediction – preparation - communication - area and accessibility - population - physiology and climate - Vulnerability Assessment and seismic strengthening of buildings - Vulnerability Assessment of Buildings procedure - Hazard Assessment-Visual Inspection and Study of Available Documents UNIT IV DISASTER MANAGEMENT 9 Disaster management - efforts to mitigate natural disasters at national and global levels - international strategy for disaster reduction- Rescue ,relief And Rehabilitation, Role Of National And International Agencies In Disaster Management-National Disaster Policy Of India (Salient Features). UNIT V APPLICATIONS OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY AND CASE STUDIES 8 Applications of Science and Technology (RS, GIS, GPS) - Early Warning And Prediction Systems- Earthquake, cyclone, landslides, fire accidents, accidents- case studies

Internship Weekly Report

2021-22 Even - 19CS46C - Finance and accounting - IT


I am going to handle the practical course on 19IT66C-Mobile Technologies course for III year VI semester IT students.


I am going to handle 19IT62C - Enterprise mobility for third year VI semester IT students.


I am going to handle 19IT07E -Artificial Intelligence for the III year VI semester IT students.

Programme Elective Course - III Year


19IT31E - Advanced Java Programming

IV Semester B.Tech - Information Technology

One credit course for third year

M.Tech Course for 2nd year

CO1 describe the basic concepts of Analog Communications. CO2 analyze and compare various digital modulation schemes. CO3 describe the concepts of data communication standards and connectionless protocols. CO4 illustrate the fundamentals of data communication codes. CO5 illustrate the concept of Spectrum and access techniques in wireless communication.

Object-oriented programming represents the integration of software components into large-scale software architecture. The course focuses on the understanding and practical mastery of object-oriented concepts such as classes, objects, data abstraction, methods, method overloading, inheritance, and polymorphism.

Upon completion of this course, the students will be able to
CO1: explain the principles of software development process (K1)
CO2: describe the importance of requirements and cost estimation techniques. (K2)
CO3: elicit the role of software design concepts. (K2)
CO4: describe the role of software testing and maintenance. (K2)
CO5: summarize the principal approaches of software management. (K2)

Comprehension subject for the final year students

Elective course for IT Final year students.

15IT04E - Information Storage and Management

19IT53C-Cryptography& Network Security

 The IoT is a giant network of connected things and people all of which collect and share data about the way they are used and about the environment around them.


Upon completion of this course, the students will be able to

CO 1: describe the architecture and functionalities of processor. (K2)

 CO 2: discuss the Memory and interrupt handling in ARM processor. (K2) 

CO 3: outline the importance of Multi-tasking in embedded systems. (K2) 

CO 4: develop basic programs using embedded C. (K3) 

CO 5: illustrate the design of distributed embedded system. (K2)

This course provides an introduction to the Java language and object-oriented programming, including an overview of Java syntax. Students will learn how to write custom Java classes and methods, and how to test their code. Topics include Introduction To OOP And Java Fundamentals, AWT AND SWING, Exception and File Handling, Multithreading and Concurrent Programming and Collection Generic and Lambda Expression.

Second semester PG elective course

Sturdy about the fundamental concept of security and cryptography.


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      After completion of this course, the students will be able to


CO1: describe the linear regression models for analyzing the data. (K2)

CO2: explain the usage of various logistic regression models. (K2)

CO3: explain the casual inference and perform simulation. (K3)

CO4: describe the multilevel regression models. (K2)

CO5: summarize data collection and variance analysis. (K2)

15IT56C-Internet and Web Technology Laboratory -End Semester Practical Examinations-Nov-2020

Testing fundamentals

Upon Completion of this course, the students will be able to 

CO 1: describe 2D graphics and clipping algorithms. (K2) 

CO 2: explain algorithms for clippings, 3D transformations and viewing. (K2)

 CO 3: develop graphics programs using OpenGL. (K3)

 CO 4: summarize the multimedia compression techniques for audio and video streams. (K3)

 CO 5: design audio/video animations using multimedia presentation tools. (K3)


Upon completion of this course, the students will be able to 

CO 1: summarize the network management architectures and protocols. (K2)

CO 2: explain the importance of network management and how it impacts cost, revenue and network availability. (K2)

CO 3: describe the different phases in the network management functional models. (K2)

CO 4: analyze the network management primitives and protocol message structures. (K3) 

CO 5: use metrics to quantify network management value propositions and measure the effectiveness of network management technology. (K3)

In computer engineering, computer architecture is a set of rules and methods that describe the functionality, organization, and implementation of computer systems. Some definitions of architecture define it as describing the capabilities and programming model of a computer but not a particular implementation.


In this course, the fundamentals of embedded system hardware and firmware design will be explored. Issues such as embedded processor selection, hardware/firmware partitioning, glue logic, circuit design, circuit layout, circuit debugging, development tools, firmware architecture, firmware design, and firmware debugging will be discussed. The Intel 8051, a very popular micro-controller, will be studied. The architecture and instruction set of the micro-controller will be discussed, and a wire-wrapped micro-controller board will be built and debugged by each student. The course will culminate with a significant final project which will extend the base micro controller board completed earlier in the course. Learning may be supplemented with periodic guest lectures by embedded systems engineers from industry. Depending on the interests of the students, other topics may be covered.

OOP has become a fundamental part of software development. We can’t develop software for mobile unless we understand the object-oriented approach. OOP is the object oriented programming approach to any programming language. By using these features we can easily reuse our program or part of our program. OOP provides us a power to do programming in a very effective manner. If we have written this kind of software, we are probably used to breaking down large problems into sub-problems and solving them in separate units of code. Or we may have experience with functional programming, which treats elements of code as precise mathematical functions, and prevents them from affecting other elements.

CO1:Summarize the network management architectures and protocols

CO2:Explain the importance of network management and how it impacts cost, revenue and network availability.

CO3:Describe the different phases in the network management functional models.

CO4:Analyze the network management primitives and protocol message structures.

CO5:use metrics to quantify network management value propositions and measure the effectiveness of network management tech

An interdisciplinary elective course for Final year students. 

CO 1: implement swing and network programming in java. (K3)

CO 2: develop web application using servlet, JSP, struct and EJB. (K3)

This course aims to enable students to be familiar with fundamental concepts and issues, to develop a good understanding of basic analog and digital communication techniques, to perform simple analysis and assessment of system performance. This course provides a thorough introduction to the basic principles and techniques used in analog and digital communications. Students will learn different data communication techniques and multi-access methods with examples 

Green IT (green information technology) is the practice of environmentally sustainable computing. 

Green IT aims to minimize the negative impact of IT operations on the environment by designing, manufacturing, operating and disposing of computers and computer-related products in an environmentally-friendly manner. The motives behind green IT practices include reducing the use of hazardous materials, maximizing energy efficiency during the product's lifetime and promoting the biodegradability of unused and outdated products.

An embedded system is an electronic system that is designed to perform a dedicated function within a larger system. Real-time systems are those that can provide guaranteed worst-case response times to critical events, as well as acceptable average-case response times to noncritical events. When a real-time system is designed as an embedded component, it is called a real-time embedded system.


Upon completion of this course, the students will be able to

CO 1: explain LINUX commands for file processing and process control. (K2)

CO 2: explain scheduling policies and framework in real time operating system. (K2)

CO 3: outline the importance of event registers in I/O concepts. (K2)

CO 4: emphasize the usage of interrupt service routines in real time memory systems.(K3)

CO 5: develop, debug and execute embedded programming in LINUX. (K3)


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      After completion of this course, the students will be able to


CO1: describe the linear regression models for analyzing the data. (K2)

CO2: explain the usage of various logistic regression models. (K2)

CO3: explain the casual inference and perform simulation. (K3)

CO4: describe the multilevel regression models. (K2)

CO5: summarize data collection and variance analysis. (K2)

One Credit Theory Course on "Basics of Compiler Design" with subject code 15IT10L.


Upon completion of this course, the students will be able to

CO 1: describe the functions of lexical analyzer and design various types of parser for language specification. (K3)

CO 2: apply various types of intermediate code generation for various constructs. (K3)

Total Hours: 

15 Hours


K.Muneeswaran, “Compiler Design”, Oxford University Press, 2013.

The Students will make a technical presentation on current topics related to the specialization. The same will be assessed by a committee appointed by the department. The students are expected to submit a report at the end of semester covering the various aspects of his/her presentation.

Elective course for final year

Trans Disiplinary course 2020-2021 (Odd Semester)


Upon completion of this course, the students will be able to

CO1: describe Indian culture, civilization and its features.

CO2: demonstrate stone age, Indian races and their contribution in pre-historic culture.

CO3: explain historical development of Indian culture.

CO4: explain the significance, conditions and development of Vedic culture.

CO5: analyze the advent of Islam and European culture.

Theory Course for Second Year B.Tech (IT) Students in Third Semester. 

Elective course for final year (seventh semester) B.tech (IT) students... 


Upon completion of this course, the students will be able to 

CO 1: describe the basic concepts of Analog Communications. (K1) 

CO 2: analyze and compare various digital modulation schemes. (K2) 

CO 3: describe the concepts of data communication standards and connectionless protocols. (K1) 

CO 4: illustrate the fundamentals of data communication codes. (K2) 

CO 5: illustrate the concept of Spectrum and access techniques in wireless communication. (K2)


Upon completion of this course, the students will be able to 

CO 1: explain the processor functionalities and architectures. (K2) 

CO 2: describe the memory and interrupt handling mechanism in ARM processor. (K2) 

CO 3: explain the importance of multi-tasking in embedded systems. (K2) 

CO 4: develop programs using embedded C. (K3) 

CO 5: summarize the design principles of real time embedded systems. (K2)

Course foe Third Semester Students


Upon completion of this course, the students will be able to 

CO1: Understand the importance of business analytics in an organization and understand relationships between business analytics process and organization decision making process. (K1) 

CO2:  Study the data analytics process and issues (K2)

CO3: Study the descriptive analytics and predictive analytics for business data (K2) 

CO4: Use decision-making models for formulation of decision theory. (K2) 

For CO1, CO2, CO3, CO4, CO5

This course contains the fundamental concepts of computing and the computer organizational structure. It also deals with instruction execution.

II nd year - III sem Mathematics- Information Technology

19SH15C - Engineering Graphics, is a core course common to CSE & ECE in Semester. 


2021-22 Even - 19ME64C Project Management - Mech

FEA covers numerical approaches to solve structural, thermal, fluid flow problems, etc.,

OR course optimization techniques which can be applied for various kinds of problems.

This course will guide the students to models / assemblies various components using Solidworks software.

This course will guide the students to solve the mechanical engineering problems numerically using ANSYS software.

Metrology is the scientific study of measurement. It establishes a common understanding of units, crucial in linking human activities. Modern metrology has its roots in the French Revolution's political motivation to standardise units in France, when a length standard taken from a natural source was proposed

Robotics is a branch of engineering that involves the conception, design, manufacture and operation of robots. The objective of the robotics field is to create intelligent machines that can assist humans in a variety of ways.

Its is a practical course which describes the different skills that the students should acquire after completion of this course.

Upon completion of this course, the students will be able to

CO1: Discuss the basic principles of generic development process and need analysis (K2)

CO2: Explain the process of concept selection for new product design and development (K2).

CO3: Summarize various aspects in detail design (K2)

CO4: Comprehend the principles of design validation and prototyping techniques (K2)

CO5: Interpret the concepts of economics principles and project management practices (K2)


Discuss fundamental concepts of FEA and to solve mechanical engineering problems using suitable approximation method.


Solve structural problems using one dimensional element


Select suitable two-dimensional elements to solve structural problems under plane stress and plane strain conditions.


Apply the concept of axisymmetric and dynamic analysis.


Formulate Isoparametric elements and model the problems in FEA


Upon completion of this course, the students will be able to

CO1: Explain the fundamentals of fluid properties and solve fluid dynamics problems using Bernoulli's equation. (K2)

CO2: Apply dimensional analysis to simple problems. (K2)

CO3: Determine flow rates, pressure changes, minor and major head losses for laminar and turbulent flows through pipes. (K2)

CO4: Apply principles of fluid mechanics to the operation, design and selection of hydraulics turbines. (K2)

CO5: Apply principles of fluid mechanics to the operation, design and selection of pumps. (K2)

Java is a programming language and a platform. Java is a high level, robust, object-oriented and secure programming language.

Java was developed by Sun Microsystems (which is now the subsidiary of Oracle) in the year 1995. James Gosling is known as the father of Java. 

Java is one of the most popular programming languages used to create Web applications and platforms. It was designed for flexibility, allowing developers to write code that would run on any machine, regardless of architecture or platform. 

Java can be used to build applications for a wide range of platforms. Desktops, servers, mobile phones, tablets, Blu-ray players, televisions, and web browsers all use Java, and developers can write Java-based applications for any of these platforms.






Upon completion of this course, the student will be able to


CO1: Apply the innovative design process and rapid prototyping process in new part

Developments (K3).


Course is for final year mechanical engineering students

course is for second year students

19ME33C- N Karthikeyan Batch-3

For final year mechanical engineering students

Six Sigma (6σ) is a set of techniques and tools for process improvement. ... A six sigma process is one in which 99.99966% of all opportunities to produce some feature of a part are statistically expected to be free of defects.

Dynamics of Machinery is a core subject, being taught in the fifth semester of BE-Mechanical Engineering Course.

Automation, in the context of manufacturing, is the use of equipment to automate systems or production processes. The end goal is to drive greater efficiency by either increasing production capacity or reducing costs, often both. Automation has become known more as using machines to reduce work performed by humans.
Mechatronics is a multidisciplinary field that refers to the skill sets needed in the contemporary, advanced automated manufacturing industry. At the intersection of mechanics, electronics, and computing, mechatronics specialists create simpler, smarter systems.

Upon successful completion of the course the students will be able to 

CO1: Solve problems involving conduction heat transfer with simple geometries through theoretical and experimental methods. (K3) 

CO2: Apply the principles of free and forced convection heat transfer using empirical correlations and simple experiments. (K3) 

CO3: Design a simple heat exchanger and evaluate its performance. (K3) 

CO4: Apply the basic concepts of radiation heat transfer to thermal systems. (K3) 

CO5: Apply the principles of diffusion and convective mass transfer for simple applications. (K3)

This subject deals with relative motion of engineering links 

Energy Engineering is one of the open elective courses for the final year students of Electronics and Instrumentation engineering.

Heat and mass transfer is one of the core subjects of the present third year mechanical students.

Inter-disciplinary Elective course availed by Department of Mechanical Engineering to Department of ECE & IT.

Upon completion of this course, the students will be able to 

CO1: describe the salient features of the Indian Constitution. (K2) 

CO2: discuss the structure and functions of parliament. (K2) 

CO3: elaborate on the structure and functions of the state legislature. (K2) 

CO4: explain the fundamentals of organization and working of the Judiciary. (K2) 

CO5: discuss the foreign policy of India. (K2)



Describe the fundamental scientific principles of mechanical design and their use in design analysis. (K2)


Design and analyze the shafts and couplings carrying various elements with geometrical features. (K3)


Design a suitable spring based on the requirements. (K3)


Design a suitable joint for a given application. (K3)


Design and select a sliding and rolling contact bearing based on the application. (K3)

End Semester online practical examination conducted between 12.07.2021 to 15.07.2021.

Its a core course for 3 rd semester.

Metrology covers the accuracy, precision and repeatability of a measurement. It involves traceability or comparison with a “standard” or between different measuring systems. Metrology includes all theoretical and practical aspects of measurement, whatever the measurement uncertainty or the field of application.


Analyze bar, beam and truss structure for maximum deflection and stress



Conduct structural analysis on components



Execute modal and harmonic analysis for structures.



Carry out conductive and convective heat transfer analysis



Apply fundamental concepts of FEA and to select suitable approximate methods to solve mechanical engineering problems.



Analyze one dimensional engineering problems using finite element method



Select suitable 2D element to solve structural problems under plane stress and plane strain conditions



Apply the principles of axisymmetric and Isoparametric and solve the mechanical engineering problems



Formulate and solve basic problems in heat transfer and vibration



Determine various stresses on simple load carrying members subjected to axial, shear and thermal loads



Apply Mohr’s circle to resolve stresses on inclined planes and determine stresses in thin cylinders.



Construct shear force and bending moment diagrams for beams.



Estimate slope and deflection of beams and columns.



Determine the twist and shear stresses of shaft and springs under torsional load.


This course describes the various measures for Energy conservation and waste heat recovery.

Unconventional manufacturing processes is defined as a group of processes that remove excess material by various techniques involving mechanical, thermal, electrical or chemical energy or combinations of these energies but do not use a sharp cutting tools as it needs to be used for traditional manufacturing processes.

An analysis oriented subjected, which helps to attain practical knowledge for the students those who are interested in Design & Analysis field.

A basic fundamental course for Bachelor Degree students in Mechanical Engineering stream.

This course is indented for the skill development of the students.

This course is an application of thermodynamics.

This course describes the needs, types, properties and performance of various alternative fuels

I SEMESTER SECTION ̶ CIVIL-MECH S13 On-line CLASS TIME TABLE – 2020-2021 (Odd Semester)

In  this course the technical content on  basic concepts of industrial robotics, The suitable drive system and end effectors for the various applications of robots, Apply robot kinematics and use appropriate sensors for specific applications. Write robot programming for pick and place application. Describe the use of robot in manufacturing industries.

It is about various manufacturing technology used in the field of mechanical engineering

The course is about the 2D and 3D drafting of geometrical elements

A Course for 3rd year, Batch 1 Mechanical Engineering students (2019 to 2020)

Both pneumatic and hydraulics are applications of fluid power. Pneumatic uses an easily compressible gas such as air or a suitable pure gas while hydraulics uses relatively in compressible liquid media such as oil

Manufacturing engineering or manufacturing process are the steps through which raw materials are transformed into a final product.  Modern manufacturing includes all intermediate processes required in the production and integration of a product's components.

Manufacturing process workflows, or flow charts, detail the granular activity-level steps that must be completed to create finished goods from the time raw materials are received at the manufacturing facility until those materials are turned into finished goods.

This is an introductory level course in Manufacturing Systems Technology and management. For most enterprises, the long term goal is to stay in business, grow and make profits. This is particularly true for manufacturing enterprises, which must understand the dynamic changes that are taking place in business environment and are flexible enough to change at every level. This course is an introductory course for engineering professionals who would like to take up careers in manufacturing and also for professionals who are already in manufacturing careers and would like to see the technological changes that manufacturing paradigm has witnessed in the last 3 decades.


The study of Basic Mechanisms and its motions.

At the end of the course, students will be able to
1. Describe the fundamental scientific principles of mechanical design (stress, strain, material properties, failure theories, fatigue phenomena, fracture mechanics) and their importance and use in design analysis. (K2)
2. Analyze and design power transmission shafts carrying various elements with geometrical features. (K3)
3. Select and design a mechanical spring based upon the application and requirements. (K3)
4. Analyze and design a suitable joint for any given application. (K3)
5. Analyze and design a journal bearing and select a suitable rolling element bearing based on the given conditions. (K3)

At the end of the course, students will be able to

1. Recognize the core human values that shape the ethical behavior of an engineer. (K2)

2. Expose awareness of professional ethics. (K2)

3. Analyze the engineering ethical breach from the past study. (K2)

4. Distinguish and apply safety, responsibility, and rights in workplaces. (K2)

5. Discuss global issues with regard to ethics. (K2)

Upon completing this practical course, the students will be able to

1. Develop Part modeling, Assembly and detailing of practical engineering components. (K3)
2. Develop a Part model of the existing physical component. (K3)
3. Develop a prototype using 3D printing. (K3)
4. Generate CL data using CAM software. (K3)
5. Perform simple operations in CNC Lathe and Milling machines. (K3)

CO1: Develop Part modeling, Assembly and detailing of practical engineering components. (K3)

CO2: Develop a Part model of existing physical component. (K3)

CO3: Develop a prototype using 3D printing. (K3)

CO4: Generate CL data using CAM software. (K3)

CO5: Perform simple operations in CNC Lathe and Milling machines. (K3)

At the end of the course, students will be able to

1. Recognize the core human values that shape the ethical behavior of an engineer. (K2)

2. Expose awareness of professional ethics. (K2)

3. Analyze the engineering ethical breach from the past study. (K2)

4. Distinguish and apply safety, responsibility, and rights in workplaces. (K2)

5. Discuss global issues with regard to ethics. (K2)



Upon successful completion of the course the students will be able to  

CO1: Apply computational techniques for solving engineering problems. (K3) 

CO2: Discuss the fundamentals and procedures used in CFD/FEM. (K3)

 CO3: Apply CFD to analyze the fluid flow. (K4) 

CO4: Apply CFD to analyze the thermal systems. (K4) 

CO5: Perform static and dynamic analysis using FEA in structural members.(K4) 


 Basics of computational fluid dynamics - Governing equations of fluid dynamics - Continuity, Momentum and Energy equations - Physical boundary conditions - Laminar and Turbulent Flow - Turbulent-Kinetic Energy Equations – Mathematical behaviour of PDEs on CFD -Elliptic, Parabolic and Hyperbolic equations.

 Turbulence models, mixing length model, Two equation (k-Є) models - High and low Reynolds number models - Structured Grid generation - Unstructured Grid generation - Mesh refinement - Adaptive mesh - Software tools.


Internal Fluid flow - Pipe bends, Branch and lateral-Symmetric - Transient - Header Flow Distribution Post processing - Different CFD Outputs : Contour plots - Surface Plots, Plotting, Vectors, Turbulence Modeling External Flow - Flow over a circular cylinder, simple car and aero plane.


 Radiation problems - Heat Transfer distribution - Porous media - Pump - Fan - Gaseous Combustion -Particle Study - Multi phase problems.

Stress - Strain - FOS -Machine elements under Static Structural Loads - Modal Analysis Thermal Analysis - Vibrations - Non-Linear Analysis.

 1. Versteeg, H.K., and Malalasekera, W., "An Introduction to Computational Fluid Dynamics: The finite volume Method", Pearson Education Ltd.Second Edition, 2007.

 2. Jiyuan TL, Guan HengYeoh, “Computational Fluid Dynamics A Practical Approach” Butterworth-Heinemann, First Edition 2008.

 1. Hyoung Woo Oh, “Applied Computational Fluid Dynamics”, InTech Publishers, 2012.

 2. Chung, T.J. "Computational Fluid Dynamics", Cambridge University, Press, 2002. 

3. Ghoshdastidar P.S., "Heat Transfer", Oxford University Press, 2005.

 4. Muralidhar, K., and Sundararajan, T., "Computational Fluid Flow and Heat Transfer", Narosa Publishing House, New Delhi, 1995. 

5. ProdipNiyogi, Chakrabarty, S.K., Laha, M.K. "Introduction to Computational Fluid Dynamics", Pearson Education, 2005.


Upon completion of this course, the students will be able to

CO1: Recognize the core human values that shape the ethical behavior of an engineer. (K2)

CO2: Expose awareness on professional ethics. (K2)

CO3: Analyze the engineering ethical breach from past study. (K2)

CO4: Distinguish and apply safety, responsibility and rights in workplaces. (K2)

CO5: Discuss about the global issues with regard to ethics. (K2)

Upon completion of this course, the students will be able to

CO1: Describe the fundamental scientific principles of mechanical design (stress, strain, material properties, failure theories, fatigue phenomena, fracture mechanics) and their importance and use in design analysis. (K2)

CO2: Analyze and design power transmission shafts carrying various elements with geometrical features. (K4)

CO3: Select and design a mechanical spring based upon the application and requirements. (K4)

CO4: Analyze and design suitable joint for any given application. (K4)

CO5: Analyze and design a journal bearing and select a suitable rolling element bearing based on the given conditions. (K4)


CO 1 : Solve problems involving steady state and transient heat conduction in simple geometries (K3)

CO 2 : Apply empirical correlations for both free and forced convection to determine values for the convection heat transfer coefficient of fluid in thermal systems (K3)

CO 3 : Analyze and design heat exchanger by using systematic procedure. (K3)

CO 4 : Apply the basic concepts of radiation heat transfer to evaluate radiation view factors using data book. (K3)

CO 5 : Solve problems involving mass transfer due to diffusion, chemical reaction, and convection. (K3)


 Upon completion of this course, the students will be able to 

CO1: Discuss the concepts of measuring instruments. (K2) 

CO2: Describe the working of pressure and flow gauges. (K2) 

 CO3: Illustrate the vibration and temperature measuring instruments. (K2)

 CO4: Recognize various transducer variables and measurement signals. (K2)

 CO5: Explain the basic principle of control systems. (K2)


This course deals with principles and applications of CAD/CAM in product design and manufacturing and is highly relevant to future trends in automation and manufacturing processes.

This course provides an overview in designing approaches of jigs and fixtures and press tools based on engineering design.

Upon completion of this course, the students will be able to



Skill Level



filled by CDAC committee


Discuss the concepts of measuring instruments.





Describe the working of pressure and flow gauges.





Illustrate the vibration and temperature measuring instruments.





Recognize various transducer variables and measurement signals.





Explain the basic principle of control systems.





Upon completion of this course, the students will be able to

CO1: Discuss the concepts of measuring instruments. (K2)

CO2: Describe the working of pressure and flow gauges. (K2)

 CO3: Illustrate the vibration and temperature measuring instruments. (K2)

 CO4: Recognize various transducer variables and measurement signals. (K2)

CO5: Explain the basic principle of control systems. (K2)

Upon successful completion of this course, the students will be able to

CO1: Perform translation, rotation, scaling, line drawing, clipping and viewing operations using algorithms. K2)

CO2: Describe techniques in representation of curves, surfaces and solids. (K2)

CO3: Describe constructional features of CNC machines and generate part code for given applications. (K2)

CO4: Generate computer aided process plan. (K2).

CO5: Discuss rapid prototyping techniques. (K2).

VIRTUAL LAB - To provide a complete Learning Management System around the Virtual Labs where the students can avail the various tools for learning, including additional web-resources, video-lectures, animated demonstrations and self evaluation.

1. Introduction to Solar energy
2.Wind energy
5.Hydrogen and fuel cells

1. Carapentry Practices

2. Welding

3. Basic Machining Practices

Upon completion of this course, the students will be able to

CO1:explore the operational models of python like function calls, algorithms, exceptions, object-oriented programming, and GUIs

CO2: develop programming and problem solving skills using Python

Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering Conducted by IIT's. If u pass this exam u may joined Public Sector Units Company and To study Higher studies.


CO1: Perform translation, rotation, scaling, line drawing, clipping and viewing operations using algorithms. (K2)

CO2: Describe techniques in representation of curves, surfaces and solids. (K2)

CO3: Describe constructional features of CNC machines and generate part code for given applications. (K2)

CO4: Generate computer aided process plan. (K2).

CO5: Discuss rapid prototyping techniques. (K2).

Upon completion of the course, the students will get the following benefits.


Apply fundamental concepts of FEA and to select suitable approximate methods to solve mechanical engineering problems.


Analyze one dimensional engineering problems using finite element method


Select suitable 2D element to solve structural problems under plane stress and plane strain conditions


Apply the principles of axisymmetric and Isoparametric and solve the mechanical engineering problems


Formulate and solve basic problems in heat transfer and vibration

Upon completion of this course, students will get the following benefits.


Determine various stresses on simple load carrying members subjected to axial, shear and thermal loads.


Apply Mohr‟s circle to resolve stresses on inclined planes and determine stresses in thin cylinders.


Construct shear force and bending moment diagrams to estimate the stresses and size of beam section.


Estimate slope and deflection of beams and columns to determine critical speed, stresses and deformation in columns subjected to various loads.


Determine the size of the shaft and springs for engineering applications.

Upon completion of this laboratory course, students will get the following benefits.


Analyze bar, beam, and truss structure for maximum deflection and stress


Conduct structural analysis of components


Execute modal and harmonic analysis for structures.


Carryout conductive and convective heat transfer analysis

Kinematics of Machinery (KOM) is fundamental course to be commenced on 2.12.2019 for the academic year 2019-20.


Upon completion of this course, the students will be able to

        CO1:Design and analyze flexible drive system for a given application. (K3)

        CO2:Design suitable gear drive to transmit power between two parallel shafts. (K3)

        CO3:Design suitable gear drive to transmit power between two non-parallel shafts. (K3)

        CO4:Select a suitable ray diagram and construct the kinematic arrangement of gears to design multi speed gear box. (K3)

        CO5:Select and design brakes, clutches and Power screws for appropriate applications. (K3)

Kinematics is the study of motion, apart from the forces which produce that motion. It is a branch of Theory of Machines which deals with the study of relative motion of various elements of machinewithout taking into consideration the forces which act upon them.

CO1 - Apply Bernoulli’s equations in flow experiments to determine the coefficient of discharge.

CO2 - Determine flow rates, pressure changes and minor and major head losses for viscous flows through pipes.

CO3 - Evaluate the performance of turbines.

CO4 - Evaluate the operation and performance of different types of pumps.

The science of weights and measures or of measurement
A system of weights and measures

Automobile Engineering is a discipline of engineering which contracts with manufacturing, designing and operating automobiles. It is a branch of vehicle engineering which manages with buses, motorcycles, trucks, etc. It incorporates electrical, mechanical, software electronic, and safety elements.


Upon completion of this course, the students will be able to CO1: Identify the various ecosystems and the importance of Biodiversity. (K2) CO2: Recognize the need for natural resources and the role of individual in conservation. (K2) CO3: Analyze the root causes and effects of various environmental pollution and management activities being taken for various disasters. (K2) CO4: Discuss various types of solid waste management systems. (K2) CO5: Analyze various social issues related to environment. (K2)

This course is intended for 2nd year students to improve their core competency. These activity class would also help them to build their personality towards team work, effective communication, presentation, and leadership enthusiastically. Every week, one hour will be spent for this program. The duration may be extended based on the involvement and requirements in the near future.

CO1- Design and analyze a flexible drive system for a given application.

CO2- Design suitable gear drive to transmit power between two parallel shafts.

CO3- Design suitable gear drive to transmit power between two non-parallel shafts.

CO4-Select a suitable ray diagram and construct the kinematic arrangement of gears to design a multispeed gearbox.

CO5- Select and design brakes, clutches and power screws for appropriate applications.

CO1- Describe the theories of metal cutting.

CO2- Identify the accessories and tools required to perform a particular operation in the centre and special purpose lathes.

CO3- Describe the constructional and operational features of various special-purpose machine tools.

CO4-Discuss the process of grinding and gear manufacturing.

CO5- Discuss various surface finishing Operations.


Upon completion of this course, the students will be able to

CO1:Elucidate the classification and micro mechanics of composite materials. (K2)

CO2:Explain the processing methods of MMC, PMC and CMC. (K2)

CO3:Elaborate the influence of various physical parameters on composite behavior. (K2)

CO4:Discuss the characterization of composite materials. (K2)

CO5:Explain about hybridization in composite material science. (K2)

Upon completion of this course, the students will be able to

 CO 1: identify the various leadership skills. 

CO 2: understand group dynamics and factors influencing the team performance.

CO 3: describe the personality dimensions based on personality theories.

CO 4: explain personality determinants and personality types. 

CO 5: apply effective training program for personality development. 



Upon completion of this course, the students will be able to

CO1: Explain the concept of operational and project management. (K2)

CO2: Apply the scope of the project to develop the project plan. (K2)

CO3: Relate the technical, business and social environment in the projects. (K3)

CO4: Apply the management principles to form project team successfully. (K3)

CO5: Prepare project schedule using appropriate tools and techniques. (K3)           

The course deals with the applications of THermal Science like Steam Power Plants, Gas Power Plants, Refrigeration and Air Conditioning and its components.

This  course THERMAL ENGINEERING deals about applications of thermal science like IC engines,  power generating devices,  steam turbines,  boilers,  refrigeration & air conditioner, etc,. 

The course deals with the functioning of IC Engines


Deals with the baseline electrical and electronics with mechanical applications

ENGINEERING GRAPHICS - A Common Language for Engineer's. it help the Engineers to express their thoughts by pictorial representation to others.

It contain Five Course Outcomes;

CO1 - Conical Curves & Special Curves.

CO2 - Pictorial Projections of Points, Straight Line & Planes.

CO3 - Projection of Solids.

CO4 - Section of Solids & Development of Surfaces.

CO5 - Isometric Projection & Free Hand sketching.

For Placement Activities


Upon completion of this course, the students will be able to 

CO 1: Identify the various leadership skills.

CO 2: Understand group dynamics and factors influencing the team performance. 

CO 3: Describe the personality dimensions based on personality theories.

CO 4: Explain personality determinants and personality types.

CO 5: Apply effective training program for personality development.

15ME56C-PROFESSIONAL ETHICS AND HUMAN VALUES- To recognize the core human values that shape the ethical behavior of an engineer.

Energy Engineering - Interdisciplinary Course - Learn about various sustainable energy technologies- Solar Energy- Wind Energy-Biomass-Hydrogen Energy

Interdisciplinary course for CSE Batch 1

15ME56C-PROFESSIONAL ETHICS AND HUMAN VALUES-Recognize the core human values that shape the ethical behavior of an engineer.


Upon completion of this course, the student will be able to
CO1: Grasp basic probability concepts and standard distributions. (K2)
CO2: Perform the ideas related to two dimensional random variables. (K2)
CO3: Calculate the various measures of dispersion. (K3)
CO4: Perform numerical differentiation and integration. (K3)
CO5: Solve differential equations using numerical methods. (K3)

Third semester mathematics paper for Mechanical Engineering  - Batch I


Upon completion of this course, the students will be able to

CO1: Discuss the concepts of measuring instruments. (K2)

CO2: Describe the working of pressure and flow gauges. (K2)

 CO3: Illustrate the vibration and temperature measuring instruments. (K2)

 CO4: Recognize various transducer variables and measurement signals. (K2)

CO5: Explain the basic principle of control systems. (K2

UNIT-I Introduction                                                                                                             9 hrs

            Introduction: Classification-Basic concepts- History- Molecular forces and Chemical bonding-Raw materials. Polymerization: Types- Mechanism- Control of molecular weight- Effect of Temperature and pressure.

UNIT-II Structure property Relationship                                                                          9 hrs

General structural features of polymers: Effects of atoms -types of bonds-bond dissociation energy-functional groups on properties of polymers.

Polymer chain flexibility: concept-various factors for deciding flexibility- properties of polymers affected by flexibility.

Intermolecular orders: Amorphous-crystalline and oriented forms of polymers-crystallinity in polymers-factors affecting crystallinity-properties affected by crystallinity of polymers.                                                                    

UNIT-III Polymer Processing Techniques                                                             9 hrs

Polymerization systems: bulk polymerization-solution polymerization- emulsion polymerization and suspension polymerization.

Type of reactors: batch reactors-tubular flow reactors- stirred tank reactors.           

Processing Techniques: Basic of processing techniques -One-dimensional process (Coating and Adhesives)-Extruders-Molding



UNIT-IV        Molecular characterization of polymers                                                     9 hrs

Molecular weight determination and molecular weight distribution - end group analysis- colligative property measurement- light scattering- ultra centrifugation- solution viscosity and gel permeation chromatography-surface tension/ energy & contact angle measurements-wetability with other substances.

Thermal, oxidative, photochemical and ozone degradation - degradtion under special environments -Mechanism of degradation and stabilization- factors affecting glass transition (Tg) temperature-Thermal analysis (DSC, TGA, DTA, DMA).

UNIT- V         Application of polymers                                                                               9 hrs

Technical applications: thermo-plastics (PVC, PVA)-thermostats (PF, UF) and elastomers (SBR, GR-N)-silicones. Application of polymers in space, ocean, electronics, medical, agriculture, automobile, sports and building construction.

Different advanced catalyst systems: Ziegglar natta catalyst-metallocene catylysts.

Special Polymers: Fire retardant polymers- Biodegradable polymers-electroluminescent polymers.

Upon completion of this course, the students will be able to



Describe the fundamental scientific principles of mechanical design (stress, strain, material properties, failure theories, fatigue phenomena, fracture mechanics) and their importance and use in design analysis. (K2)


Analyze and design power transmission shafts carrying various elements with geometrical features. (K3)


Select and design a mechanical spring based upon the application and requirements. (K3)


Analyze and design a suitable joint for any given application. (K3)


Analyze and design a journal bearing and select a suitable rolling element bearing based on the given conditions. (K3)

Upon completion of the course, the students will be able to

CO1: Discuss the simple mechanisms with suitable examples. (K2)
CO2: Determine velocity and acceleration of any point on a link in simple mechanisms. (K2)
CO3: Draw different cam profile for various follower motions. (K2)
CO4: Describe laws of gearing, types of gears, terminologies of spur gears and gear trains. (K2)
CO5: Discuss the concept of friction in drives and brakes. (K2)

15ME51C - HEAT AND MASS TRANSFER consists of 5 units.

Unit 1 - Conduction

Unit 2 - Convection

Unit 3 - Phase Change Heat Transfer & Heat Exchanger

Unit 4 - Radiation

Unit 5- Mass Transfer

2019 regulation students

2nd Year-III Semester

For Fifth semester Mechanical Engineering Students 

Elective course for final year

This subject describes various laws of thermodynamics and their application in various thermal systems

First year First Semester

core course- Mechanical Engineering